I just wanted to say thank you for visiting our web site. We are the Brownie Troop #852 from Jacksonville, Florida. We represent the Girl Scouts of America and are part of the Girl Scouts of Gateway Council, Inc.

   As I put this web site together, I just want to make sure that both Dee and Rhonda know how great of a job that they do. They both really have there hands full with the girls, but we all know that they both enjoy it just as much. As you look through the pictures and read the forum you also will get the feeling that you are having fun too.

   If you live in the West Jacksonville area and would like to be apart of the Brownies please fill free to give us an email and you never know you too can be enjoying the fun.

   Again thank you Dee and Rhonda for being so good. I know my daughter really enjoys being part of the Girl Scouts and most of all being part of Brownie Troop #852.
Brownie Troop #852
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Jacksonville, Florida
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