Did You Know?


* Did you know that the whitetail doe's heat cycle is 28 days?


* The gestation period for whitetail deer is about 200 days.

* The moon's lunation cycle (face to face rotation) is 29.5 days

* The moon's sidereal cycle (completion of rotation around the Earth) is 27.3 days

* Photoperiodism - is the diminishing ratio of daylight to darkness - triggers the onset of the reproductive cycle of the whitetail deer

* Did you know that as the days become shorter, a doe's pineal gland releases melatonin, influencing the release of sex hormones from the pituitary?

* The doe's estrous cycle is set by the full moon, which provides a bright light stimulus to the pineal gland for several nights in a row each lunar month. Then a rapid decrease in lunar brightness in the moon's third quarter triggers hormonal production by the pineal gland. Physiological changes prompted by the pineal gland culminate in ovulation and estrous.


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