Tropical Fish Care
The purpose of this web page is to provide people with information on all aspects of tropical fish care and other related subjects such as live food. I have been keeping tropical fish since August 2002 and I hope to share the knowledge I have gained.
Unfortunatly there is not yet much information on breeding fish yet. If you require this information then email me(see bottom of this page) or visit "breeding tropical fish" which is located on the links page
In the future I hope to add a special section on Discus to this site, so watch this space.
When researching tropical fish I reccomend looking at several sources and taking the general idea from several books/sites as knowone is perfect and everywhere may contain some information which is incorrect. Most importantly procceed with caution, work out what works for you and have fun.
I have split my site up into easy to follow sections so that you can easily navigate around my site.
Help setting up a tank and equipment
Health and Disease-coming soon
Tropical Species Profiles- Profiles of many different fish
Water chemistry- an important element of fishkeeping
Feeding and live foods- Particuarly important for the beginner and those wanting to breed.
Links- Links to other websites and online suppliers.
If you have any queries about this site or any further questions about tropical fishkeeping contact me on
Thank you for visiting my site |