Aquariums are divided into two main groups:
   - temperate aquariums, often mistakenly
     called cold water aquariums, where the
     water temperature can range from 5 to 25°C;
   - tropical aquariums, with either fresh or
     sea water. These cover the areas lying
     roughly between the tropic of Cancer, to
     the north of the equator, and the tropic of
     Capricorn, to the south, where the water
     temperature varies by only a few degrees
     throughout the whole year.

            The community aquarium

     Here fish and plants not native to the same
     region are found side by side, creating an
     environment that does not exist in nature.
     The results may be charming and ingenios,
     but this type of aquarium is often disparaged
     by purists. A community aquarium is often a
     popular choice with beginners creating or
     "mounting",in aquarists' jargon - their first
     tank, although this is not a general rule.

The specialist aquarium
     In this case, the hobbyist concentrates on
     a particular species, type, family, or group
     of fish with common characteristics. The
     choice of this kind of aquarium can be
     dictated by several factors: interest in
     reproduction, the attainment of varieties
     not found in nature (sometimes for competition),
     or quite simply a fascination which is
     difficult to explain. As in the previous
     section, the fish and plants do not have to
     come from the same region, and the latter
     are sometimes merely secondary elements.

The Dutch aquarium
     In this type of aquarium fish serve as a foil
     to the plants, which play the leading role,
     although the former do also contribute to
     the equilibrium of the setting, which is not
     easy to maintain. The plants and fish can
     come from different geographical areas.
     The results can be ravishing, sometimes
     amounting to a veritable aquatic garden,
     with the aquarist becoming a horticulturist
     in order to maintain it. As its name suggests,
     this type of aquarium is highly prized
     in the Netherlands,and in Germany too,
     although it is little(too little?) seen
     in the rest of the world.
                   Regional aquariums
     Here the trick is to reconstruct as faithfully
     as possible a natural biotope in which
     everything harmonizes: the water, the soil,
     the rocks, the plants, and the fish. The density
     of living beings is higher than that of a
     natural setting, however. Mounting an aquarium
     of this type requires a certain knowledge of
     the geographical area concerned,to ensure the
     compatibility of the various elements.

Central American aquariums
       There are two possible options. The first isthe
       recreation of a habitat suitable for livebearers
       from the Poeciliid family: hard water with a
       temperature of 26°C or more,and plants playing
       an important role. The second is the assembly    
       of a tank for Cichlids:rocky decor, a few hardy
       plants, with the water fairly soft,
       well-filtered, and oxygenated.

South American aquariums
       Mainly devoted to the Amazon, these can be
       divided into two main categories. The tanks with
       limpid colorless water, neutral or slightly
       acid, are inhabited by small Characins that are
       somewhat difficult for amateurs to keep.
       The aquariums with brown, but still transparent
       water, recreate an Amazon-style river under the
       forest roof. Its acidity and its color
       (sometimes even black) are the result of acids
       derived from humus. These tanks house other
       species of Characins, or Cichlids, particularly
       the famous angelfish and discus. The water is
       very soft in both these types of aquarium.
     • African aquariums
       A biotope of a West African river can be
       reconstructed in an aquarium.The water, which
       must be well-filtered, is neutral and quite soft.
       The fish will include the Congolese tetra, one
       of the rare Characins found on this continent,
       and certain Cichlids. The typical plants in
       this environment are Anubias.

       West Africa is lined with rivers and streams with
       an acid pH, and temperatures of up to 27°C. The
       swampy areas disappear in the dry season, but the
       fish which frequent them have devised various
       strategies to overcome this difficulty: some species,
       such as the killies, lay eggs which are able to resist

       East Africa is characterized by the presence of large
       lakes, veritable inland seas, only with unsalted water.
       The most important of these are, from north to south,
       Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika, and Lake Malawi.
       They are mainly inhabited by fish from the Cichlid
       family, three quarters of which are only found in this region.

Asiatic aquariums
       Running water Cyprinids can be kept in a tank with clear
       water which is well-filtered,slightly acid, and soft,  
       at a temperature of 25-26°C. Barbs and danios are the usual
       occupants of this type of aquarium, some species being
       particularly recommended for beginners to fish keeping.
       Marshes can be reconstructed with profusely planted aquariums
       (or aquaterrariums).It is advisable to use genuinely
       aquatic plants. The water is slightly acid and barely
       mineralized, to suit barbs,labeos, or fish from the
       Anabantoid family.Always avoid a mixture of active and
       placid fishes.

       The water in the rivers and streams is acid,sometimes
       colored, with temperatures often exceeding 25°C. The swamp
       and marsh areas are shallow, allowing the sun to exert a
       greater influence, and their water temperature can be higher
       than 28°C. Natural sites collect rain and floodwater, while
       the artificial sites consist of rice fields. The exuberant
       plant life is either completely aquatic (totally submerged)
       or paludal (partially underwater; in very wet environments,
       the base of the plants is often submerged).

       The borders between the sea and the land provide muddy,   
       swampy areas,in which certain trees - mangroves - plunge
       their roots. Mangroves is also the collective name for these
       tropical regions in Africa, Asia,and Australia. The water
       reaches very high temperatures, of 30°C or more, and the sea
       water exerts a very strong influence. The salinity is therefore
       variable, leading to the presence of fauna specific to these areas.
       The best-known occupant of mangroves is the periophthalmus, an
       amphibious fish which can develop out of water on account of the
       form of its pectoral fins.

The brackish water aquarium
       This is characterized by water with less salt than the sea,
       pH values of between 7.7 and 8, and fairly high temperatures,
       26-27°C. The decor consists of branches and roots, but never rocks.
       Few plants survive in this type of water, and only a few species
       of fish can tolerate it.

Tropical seawater aquariums
       The water must be of a very high quality: clear, therefore        
       well-filtered and oxygenated.It can be natural or reconstituted,
       or a combination of the two. Marine plants are not common, but algae
       can appear spontaneously and cover the decor of rocks or dead corals
       - although their growth is imperceptible to the naked eye, it is
       fairly rapid. They are introduced to the aquarium in various ways.
       The soil is very grainy, as the sand is made up of shells and corals.
       Under bright light, a marine aquarium often forms a colorful
       environment in which fish develop among inert or living decorative
       elements, which they can share with invertebrates, including certain
       shrimps. Novice aquarists are often advised not to plunge into keeping
       a marine aquarium without first finding their water wings in a
       freshwater tank which is easier to tackle. The same ecological rules
       govern the two types of setting,however, the main difference
       obviously being the salinity of the water.Let us just say that it is
       more sensible to start with fresh water, as the plants and fish are
       more robust and their price is often more accessible. To be realistic,
       problems with sea water, involving the accidental loss of expensive fish,    
       would discourage many beginners. Nevertheless,apart from the price of
       marine fish - and there are some cheaper species - it should be pointed
       out that marine aquariums are not much more expensive to run.
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