Chapter 28:

~Melly and Nick~

   "...And who the hell is at the door?!" Nick said finishing his sentence as he stood from the table. "Maybe it's Bri and Val. They are both pretty forgetful and prolly left their key here." Melly said as they both began to walk towards the door.

~Brian & Valerie~

   "I'm glad Nick & Melly worked it all out." Brian smiled as the walked towards the shopping center. "Yeah, It's great." Val smiled back, "It wouldn't have been the same without those too keeping us up all night on tour." "Well, they are going to have stiff competition this tour!" Brian said laughing as he scooped Val in his arms. "Oh, definitely. We'll give them a run for their money." She laughed before they began to kiss. " u think Nick & Melly will be mad that we told "them" what room they're in?" Brian asked seriously. "I hope not...we'll find out when we get back." Val smiled. "So, what store is first?" Brian asked as he placed Val back on the ground. "Uhmm, let's go to the...Jewelry store!" Val exclaimed. "Oh no...why do I have a feeling this a gonna cost me an arm and a leg?!" Brian sighed. "Not an arm and a leg...just a leg!" Val giggled as she dragged him into the store. Brian & Val walked through the mall for about an hour and Val kept saying the same thing the entire time. "Ohh, that's nice! Look at that, Bri!" She yelled as they walked through the stores. Before Brian knew it, He had about 20 shopping bags in his hands. "Baby, can we head back now? I don't think I can carry anymore bags!" He sighed. "Oh, I'm sorry, baby." Val said kissing him over the bags, "I kinda got carried away." "Kinda?!" Brian laughed. "Heeey!" Val playfully slapped him. "Ouch, come on, let's get you out of this mall before you spend more of my money!" Brian laughed again. "You know you love me!" Val gave him a cheesy smile. "Haha, You know I do, sweetheart." Brian smiled at her. "Ooh, I just got the chills." Val said as she shivered. "You okay?" Brian asked concerned. "I think so, I have feeling Melly & Nick are up to something." She said. "They can't do that with "them" around." Brian giggled. "Stop! I didn't mean that!" She said, "But I just have this feeling." she whispered. "Well, we're heading back and soon we'll find out." Brian said as the two began to walk back to the hotel.

~Melly & Nick~

   "This had better be good for ruining that good moment I was creating!" Nick said as they made it to the door. "Oh, just open it!" Melly laughed as Nick opened the door. "Nickolas Gene Carter!" Nick's mom yelled. "And Melissa Anne Stanford!" Melly's mom yelled, "What is going on?!" "Mom?!" Nick and Melissa both said in unison. "Yes, we're your moms....what is going on?!" Nick's mom said pushing her way in followed by Melly's. "What do you mean?" Nick said asking all innocently. "Isn't my son cute? Okay, stop with the act, Nickolas! Are you two getting married?!" Jane Carter came right to the point. "Well...ah, uhmmm..." Melly stuttered. "Melissa, Yes or No!" Bette Stanford yelled. "Okay, yes. Yes, we are engaged." Nick said holding Melly's hand up. "Oh my God....It's true!" Jane yelled to Bette. "Why didn't you tell us first?!" Bette exclaimed. "Okay, calm down." Melly said. "Calm down?! You want us to calm down!" Bette got all excited at her daughter. "How do you think we feel hearing about this engagement from the 11 o'clock news instead of our own children!?" Jane stared at the two of them. "Mom & Mrs. Stanford, listen, we're sorry. We wanted to wait until we could get you both together." Nick smiled at Melly. "Yeah, we wanted to be in person and not over the phone." Melissa smiled back. "Oh No, Bette, I feel bad for snapping at them." Jane lowered her voice. "Me too, Jane. Oh, Melissa, I'm so happy for you!" Bette began to hug her daughter to death. "Same here, Nick." Jane said hugging her son before turning to Melissa. "Well, sweetheart, we have so much to do and such little time!" "Oh, she's right, Melissa. We have to get the dresses, tuxedos, invitations..." Bette kept going. "Mom, we..." Jane interrupted Melly. "And don't forget booking a reception hall, making the guest list, who's in the bridal party..." Jane said as they sat Melly down on the couch. "Mom, listen..." Nick tried to interrupted them but failed. "Oh, and book a church, arrange the food & photographer..." Bette continued. "Why are we sitting here?! let's go get started!" Jane said her & Bette dragged Melly towards the door. After trying to get his and Melly's mom's attention nicely, Nick got angry. "MOM!!!" He screamed. Both Jane and Bette stop in their tracks. "Thank God!" Nick said pulling Melly in his arms, "We've been trying to get your attention for the past 10 minutes now!" "Oh, sorry. I guess we got alittle carried away." Bette said. "Mom & Mrs. Carter, we already did stuff for the wedding." Melly said as Jane & Bette's faces dropped, "I'm sorry." "Well, we can still help can't we?!" Jane asked. "Of course, mom." Nick smiled, "But we have plans today, how about tomorrow?" "Sounds good to me, you Jane?" Bette said. "Yeah, Yeah, fine with me." Jane smiled at the happy couple, "You two do look cute together." "They sure do." Bette said as her & Jane began to talk a mile a minute. "Okay, we'll see you tomorrow." Nick said ushering them to the door. "Yes, you will, sweetie." Bette and Jane said at the same time causing them to laugh. Jane & Bette both kissed Melly & Nick good-bye and left for now. "Oh My God." Melly said into Nick's chest. "I know, baby, but this is what you wanted." Nick laughed. "Ugh, does that offer to elope still stand?" Melly looked up at Nick. "You betcha it does...why?" Nick smirked. "Let's do it!" Melly said pulling away and opening the door. "What?! Are you sure?" Nick said grabbing her arm. "I think so...our mom's are gonna drive us crazy. This is the only way we can have 'our wedding'." Melly looked at him. "Your wish is my command." Nick said kissing her passionately, "Just think in a few hours, I can call you my wife." " 'Your wife.'" Melly said aloud, "I love the sound of that." "Let's go gather some stuff and head out before Brian & Valerie return to stop us." Nick said as Melly & him headed to their room.

~Ethan, Jason & Billy~

   "Oh, Hey Billy...can you talk with you for a second?" Ethan asked. "Ah, sure...just make it quick I have to go check on the guys." Billy responded. "No prob...wanna go grab a cup of coffee with us?" Jason asked. "Why not!" Billy said following the boys to the cafe. They ordered their coffee and began to talk about normal guy things, sports and Girls. Once on the girl topic, the began to quiz him about Melissa and Valerie. "So, Billy my man, you're close to Mel & Val, right?" Ethan asked. "I guess you can say that. They've been around since I can remembered. I think of them as my 'daughters' and the boys as my 'sons'." Billy laughed. "Oh, that's sweet. What are they like?" Jason asked. "Why you ask?" Billy questioned them. "We never had a chance to talk with them yet...and I thought we could know alittle about them before we do." Ethan sincerely said. "Oh, well then, I could help you." Billy said sipping his coffee. "Thanks man." Jason smiled over at Ethan. "Valerie is a sweet gal. She is very outgoing, crazy, and a peace marker all at the same time. Brian is very much in love with her. And Melissa is also a very sweet gal. She makes Nick the happiest that I can remember. She's very romantic, spontaneous, but sensitive. She can cry at the drop of a hat." Billy finished. "That's great, thanks." Ethan smiled. "I remember one time when Nick & Brian tried to make them dinner." Billy said laughing, "They made huge mess and ended up ruining the meal. But the girl's were so touched that they took the time to plan the evening." "They like surprises?" Jason asked. "Yes, they both do. You have to see their faces light up." Billy smiled. "What are some of their favorite things?" Ethan questioned hoping Billy would still be so helpful. "Uhmm, Valerie loves the colors blue & yellow. She loves to receive Tiger lilies...well any kind of lilies and loves music in general. She has a nice voice, just tries to hide it. Melissa loves the colors green and baby blue. She loves to get roses...especially white ones and loves to dance. She's got all the BSB dances down flat." Billy sighed then continued, "Both of theirs favorite food is Pasta and both love to be near the ocean. They are both water babies." "Whoa, thanks for all the information. That's was more than we were expecting." Jason smirked. "No problem boys. Hope you get to chat with them soon, they are great girls. They are like family to me and I'd be devastated if something happened to them." Billy said standing up, "But I do have to run now." "Oh, thanks again man, we have to talk again soon." Ethan said shaking his hand. "Talk to you later." Billy said walking away from them. "Little did that kind man know, he just helped us bring his 'sons' down." Jason laughed as Ethan joined in. "I've got a great plan." Ethan smirked, "Let's go back to the room and get started."


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Chapter 29