Chapter 33:

   Brian stood and stared straight at Valerie until she finally spoke, "Brian, babe, you have to
believe me... this is not true. Look at all those other lies that they made up! Are you going to believe them?" She said taking a step closer to Brian, he stepped away from her. "I don't know who to believe Val." Brian simply said. "I've never cheated on you. I love you." Val said turning Brian's face
towards her. "I loved you too." Brian said with tears in his eyes. "Bri,neither of us," Val pointed to herself and Melissa, "have done anything with either of these guys." She pointed to Ethan and Jas. "Oh so now are you saying that night meant nothing?" Jason asked Val going along with his plan.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT????????" Valscreamed. "I wouldn't touch you if my life depended on it!" She added. "And as for you..." Val continued walking towards Ethan, "How could
anyone love your lying ass? Are you honestly trying to tell us that Melly actually said she fell in love with you?" She ended as Ethan nodded. Melissa quietly turned away nodding as well. "I said that." She whispered softly. Everyone was quiet in shock. "What was that?" Nick asked. "I said that! I said I fell in love with Ethan!" Melissa said louder. Everyone in the room gasped. "Melissa Anne! How
could you!" Bette said looking away from her daughter. "Honestly Mom, I don't know. I just don't know." Melissa responded. "If you can't answer that, then I don't think that I can marry you today." Nick said sitting down. "But Nick..." Melly started but was cut off by Nick saying, "But nothing Melissa. If you said you love him, can't marry you." he said turning away. The room was silent for a while.

   Finally Valerie walked over to where Jason and Ethan were standing and whispered to them, "I
sure hope you two are happy. You just managed to break up to relationships." She stormed away from them. Jas and Ethan just smiled. "Jackasses." Melissa mumbled to herself. "Does this mean the wedding is off?" Ethan asked trying to sound sincere. "Yes you stupid bastard! The wedding is off!" Melly screamed with tears running down her face. With all of the emotions Valerie began to cry too. Brian sat on one of the pews and sighed. "Brian, babe, can I talk to you outside?" Val asked approaching him. "Yeah, Ithink we need to." He answered leading Val out the back door.

~Outside~~Val and Brian~

   "I'm hoping that when you said 'loved' you just accidentally put it in past tense." Val said quietly as she sat on the back step. "It wasn't an accident, it was out of doubt. In my heart I know that you'd never cheat,but then my mind is going the other way saying, 'well maybe she actually could' and 'what if just this once those guys are telling the truth'. But then again, there's my heart saying,
'if they did tell another lie, why?' Until I know the answer to all these curiosities running through my mind, I think I need some time to myself." Brian said leaning against the building. "Brian, I can answer those questions right here right now." Val said firmly. "Ok, Let's here those answers." Brian waited patiently. "I love you with all my heart. You're the only one that I've ever loved this way, you know that. Think of the outrageous lies that they've told. Ya know, 'once-a-liar-always-a-liar'. And honestly
the only answer I have to the last one would be revenge. I know that Nick has a personal grudge against that Ethan guy. They probably made up these lies to get back at Nick and prove that they are better than you guys and steal your girlfriends." Valerie explained the whole thing. "I sure hope
those are the answers." Brian replied. "Come on, let's take a walk and continue to talk." Val said grabbing Brian's hand, he reluctantly went along with her.

~In the chapel~

   Still crying Melissa tried to talk but her words were not understandable. "I can't believe this, I
just can't believe  this." Bette said pacing. Jane nodded in agreement. "What? You can't believe this? This is what you wanted. For us not to be married the way we wanted." Melly said falling to the floor in disappointment. "It's ok honey." Ethan said sitting down next to her. "Get the fuck away from her!" Nick yelled as he jumped up. "What? it's not like you two are getting married or anything." Ethan chuckled. "You bastard! Stay away from her!" Nick yelled again punching Ethan in the face. "Nick!" Melly said getting up. "Oh you wanna handle it that way?" Ethan responded rubbing his face. He drew back his arm as if hewas going to punch Nick back but was stopped by someone grabbing his arm from behind. "If you dare lay one hand on him, I swear on everything holy you'll regret it." The person said.

                                   ~END OF CHAPTER 33~

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Chapter 34