Chapter 36:

~Nicky & Melly~

     "Nick! Nick, please help me!" Melly screamed out to him from a distance, "He's hurting me! Please Nick!" "Melly, babe, I'm coming...I'll save you from him!" Nick yelled back as he ran down the dark and endless alley towards her image. "Hurry Nick...ahhh!" Melly screamed as her captor spoke. "I've got her Nicky boy, I told you I would...and now, you'll never see her again!" Ethan yelled, "She's going to be with me!" "Never!" Nick jumped up from his sleep, "It was just a dream." He said as he shook his head and rubbed his eyes. He had a nightmare, a horrible one at that, about Ethan and Melissa. He dreamt Ethan had taken Melly away from him. "She's still sound asleep...good." Nick said relieved that he didn't wake her with his outburst before. He leaned over and brushed a piece of hair out of her face before kissing her forehead. He needed to clear his mind and better thing for him to do then go play his video games. Melly rolled over to feel Nick nowhere. "Baby?" she whispered. She got no answer until she heard Nick yell at his video game. "Yea! Only 2 more levels...then I'll finally beat you!" He exclaimed. "That's my baby." She said laughing as she got out of bed to go to him.

~Brian & Valerie~

   Brian and Valerie enjoyed the sunset and romantic atmosphere they were in, so much, that they feel asleep in the lounge chair on the deck. They remained that way until Brian felt something tickle his arm. "Val, sweetie, that tickles." Brian wiggled but kept his eyes closed. "I'm not doing anything." Val whined. "That what the hell is on my arm!" Brian opened his eyes and flunged his arm, "Damn bird!" "" Val said sitting up between her laughs, "a bird was on your arm." "I guess that's what we get for sleeping out here." Brian joined her laughing. "It's only 7am...let's go inside and get alittle more good rest." Val said standing up. "Rest? Ha! I wanna kiss you and well, kiss you." Brian said kissing her. "Baby, we promised to meet Nicky & Melly for breakfast in an hour or so, we won't have time." Val said. "Please...when have you ever known them to be on time for anything we plan." Brian smirked, "We could do this, run a marathon, and go on one your shopping sprees and they still won't be motivated! We always wait for them." "You're right...we should be fashionably late this time." Val laughed. "Good...come on over, come on over baby." Brian sang in a girlie voice. "Alright, down boy, let's go inside and see if we can prefect your idea." Val smirked grabbing Brian's shirt and pulling him inside.

~Ethan & Jason~

   "How they hell do you plan to get yourself of this one?!" Jason yelled to Ethan as they sat in their cellblock. "What? You're part of this too!" Ethan shouted back. "Oh, hell no! I did nothing illegal...they will clear me!" Jason screamed. Just then a jail officer approached their cellblock. "We need to talk boys." He said to them. "Did you clear me? Can I go?" Jason jumped up. "Relax, and let me talk!" the officer said. "Jason, you are free to go. People can place you at the hotel when Ethan here committed the crime against Mr. Littrell." He told them, "As for you, Ethan, you will be facing the jury on charges of attempt murder and aggravated assault. The trial is 2 weeks from today." The officer concluded as he let only Jason out of the cell. "He have no evidence against me! You have nothing!" Ethan yelled. "Nothing, huh? Well...not if you count an eyewitness in Valerie Lachean and other witnesses that can verify you're hatred towards the victim and his acquaintances." the officer chuckled. "The jury will understand my point of view...they will clear me." Ethan smirked, "Those Backstreet Boys and their precious girlfriends don't stand a change against me." "Whatever buddy, you just better talk to your lawyer...wait, maybe you talk to an interior decorator instead." The office laughed, "You should do something with this space...seeing as you'll prolly be here for a long, long time." "Fuck you!" Ethan snapped, "Just leave! I'll get out of here and I don't need a jury to do it." The officer walked off with Jason just shaking his head. "You should talk to you're friend...he doesn't realize how deep he is really in here and there is no way out." the officer said. "I will, I have to help him be cleared." Jason said as he entered a cab and left for the hotel. He needed to plea with Melly & Val before the trail in 2 weeks. They were the only ones that could save Ethan. But how could he convince them?

~Back to Melissa & Nick~

   Melissa saw Nick sitting on the floor when she reached the living room. She decided to sneak up behind him. "Hey." Melissa whispered into Nick's ear as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Nick quickly paused the game and turned to her. "Good Morning....did I wake you?" He asked concerned as he stood up to hug her. "No, I got up on my own...just missed you." she said as she rested her head on his chest. "You know, I'm here for you and that, that I'll save you and protect from anything and anyone, right?" Nick nervously spilled out. "Of course, yea....but where did that come from?" Melly asked looking up at Nick. "I had a nightmare..." Nick said as he sat down on the couch and Melly sat on his lap, "That Ethan took you away from me and I couldn't save you." Nick said as a tear rolled down his eye. "Aww, babe, don't cry." Melly said wiping his tear, "He's gone, and we’re going to be together forever." "I know, I know...but I can't fight this feeling that something is going to happen to you." Nick hugged her so tight. "Nothing is going to happen to me. You're stuck with me forever." Melly smiled. "That's a very good thing." Nick said kissing her. "Nick...we...better...go get dressed...and be early for breakfast...with Val & Bri." Melly said between kisses. "Early? us?" Nick laughed, "Those words don't belong in the same sentence." Nick said picking her up and carrying her back to the bedroom. "Nick, c'mon, we should at least try." Melly said as Nick laid her down. "We did, we had the thought and voted against it." He smirked and continued to kiss her. Just then there was a knock at the door. ::KNOCK:: "Nick, we should get it." Melly whispered. "Just ignore it." Nick said continuing to kiss her. "Nick, Melly...we know you're in there." Jane said. "Is that my mom?" Nick sat up. "Yeah, you two, raise and shine." Bette said. "And my mom too." Melly sat up. "They always have prefect timing...don't they!" Nick said helping Melly up. "Morning sweethearts." Jane kissed Nick and then Melly as she walked right in. "Morning." Bette said as she followed her and repeated the same routine. "We just wanted to talk to you guys before we left for the airport." Jane said. "Yea, and you not own clothes?" Bette insulted her daughter. "What? I'm wearing Nick's shirt." Melly snapped back. "We don't have time for this, we need to talk before we miss our flight." Bette said. "We want you guys to promise that you will not go and elope when we leave. It will really break our hearts." Jane said. "And we want to plan a huge, beautiful wedding with the both of you for as soon as the tour is over." Bette chimed in. "Aww, thanks mom and well mom." Melly laughed, "I promise we will wait to get married and do it with you and the rest of our families." "Yea, I seconded that." Nick spoke up. "Great! You just made us the happiest moms around." Jane said hugging both of them good-bye. "Well, we better go now Jane." Bette said as she went to hug Nick & Melly good-bye too. "Call us when you arrive home!" Melly said to them as they entered the elevator and the doors closed. "Now..." Nick grabbed her from behind, "where were we?" "Uhm, over there." Melly pointed to the bedroom.

~Back to Bri & Val~

   "That was wonderful, baby." Valerie smiled over at Brian. "Sure, we better go get showered and dressed." Brian sighed as he got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. "I'm gonna take a shower in the other bathroom, so we're ready at the same time, okay?" Val yelled to Brian. "Okay, babe, see'ya in a few." Brian yelled as he closed the other bathroom door."Ready?" Brian asked Valerie a half hour later. "Just about...I can't find my other earring." Val said looking on the floor. "Let me help you." Brian said getting down on his knees, "Ah, here it is!" "Thank-you, sweetie." Val said as she stood up and put the earring on, "Now I'm ready to go." "Okay, you go get Nick & Melly moving and i'll lock up here." Brian said. "Alright, wish me luck." Valerie laughed as she kissed Brian and headed next door.

~Nick & Melly's Hotel room~

   ::KNOCK/KNOCK:: "Oh, you have got to be kidding me!" Nick said as a knock on the door was heard again. "What?!" Nick snapped as he opened the door. "Oh, sorry, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Valerie laughed. "Who is it now?" Melly said coming up behind him, "Oh, hey Val." "Hey girl, were you two...ya know?" Val asked by the way they were dressed...or not dressed. "Yea, sorta, but we....Valerie Anne Lachean! What is on your finger?!" Melly screamed as she pulled her into the hotel room. "Ah, what this?" Val pointed to the ring. "Yea, oh my God, you & Brian!" Melly squealed, "This is so exciting! We could have a double wedding! I can't believe you changed your mind about weddings!" "Melly...wait...I didn't..." Val tried to explain. "I can't believe Brian didn't tell us he was thinking about popping the question!" Melly continued to flip out, "Now we can plan everything together! " "Congratulations Val." Nick said hugging her as Brian entered the room. "Congratulations for what?" Brian asked. "Your engagement man." Nick said hugging him, "I had no idea." "My engagement?" Brian said puzzled. "Yeah, Val showed us the ring." Melly said looking over at Nick. "I tried to explain to you guys...but you we're too excited." Val frowned, "We're not engaged." "What? I'm confused." Nick said looking at Brian. "I proposed to Val last night, but due to her marriage issues, we're not getting married but she'll wear the ring as a promise ring." Brian explained. "Oh, I see." Melly looked at Val, "He's the best guy you ever had and you can't even put aside those stupid beliefs to make him happy!" "Wow, Melly, where'd that come from?" Val asked shocked. "I dunno, I'm sorry, I just want you to be happy." Melly said. "I am, we are....this situation makes both of us happy." Val assured her friend. "Whatever makes you happy....makes us happy, right baby?" Nick asked Melly. "Right. C'mere and give me a hug." Melly said to Val. The two girls hugged just as another knock of the door came. ::KNOCK/KNOCK/KNOCK:: "Dammit, it must be the day of the thousand knocks!" Nick yelled as he opened it again for the third time. "What now?!" Nick snapped. "Excuse me, sir." A police officer entered the room and caught everyone's attention. "Sorry, what can we do for you?" Nick apologized. "I have some bad news for you." the officer frowned. "What bad news?" Melly and Val said at the same time. "Well..." the officer began to tell them.


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Chapter 37