
Tropical Scribe

 Maria Fiallos

 Freelance Writer




Tegucigalpa, Honduras                                                                                                                                                                                                            



Articles published in HTW in 1999


October 25  Days of Honduran mahogany and broadleaf forests numbered


November 22 Prosecutor promises to seek justice for ethnic protestors


November 1 Tawahka Asangni Biosphere Reserve finally approved


November 1 Greenhouse gas inventory, endangered species list for Honduras now available


October 18 Indigenous groups and police clash

Protest in Tegucigalpa turns violent.


September 9 MISKUT: state-backed cartel destroying Biosphere


August 2 Global Environmental Fund finances biodiversity conservation


January 18  Wood for sale? Total destruction of native broadleaf species predicted


TEGUCIGALPA - Indigenous protest resulting in several injured participants from gunshot wounds.