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Hawaiian Dance Troupe
Philippine Folk Dance
rhythmic Blend Vocal Ensemble
KAHIKO (Ancient, Traditional)
Manoa Ua Tuahine ( Uli uli)
Kai O Mamamla ( Pu ili)
Haleakala ( Uliuli,  Pu ili,  Ipu)

AUANA (Contemporary, Modern)
Ka Nohona Pili Kai
Papalina Lahilahi
It's Our Sunshine
Hapa Haole Medley
( Little Brown Gal,
Aloha Week Hula)
Hawaiian War Chant ( uli uli)
Holoholo Ka'a
Hawaiian Wedding Song
Hawaiian Sunset
Ha'a Hula
Sophisticated Hula
Te Tiare
Nani Kauai
Pola Ila'i

KEIKI (children)
Pearly Shells
Little Brown Gal
Little Grass Shack
Cockeyed Mayor
Hawaiian War Chant, Toere Drums, One Paddle Two Paddle
You'll Never Go HomeHawaiian Roller Coaster Ride
Pahae (Tahitian)
Rutu Taki Samba (Tahitian)
Our Signature Dance

A blend of  contemporary Hula
and western movements.

Cowboy Hula
by Chinky Mahoe
Hula video
Learn how to Hula !  Our students are featured in our performances. Contact
KEIKI (children)
Dance Workshops