History of Salvation
Bible Reading Program

Tell me, who of you that stand here, if he were required, could repeat one Psalm, or any other portion of the divine Scriptures? There is not one.... But what is the answer to these charges [of negligence]? "I am not," you will say, "one of the monks, but I have both a wife and children and the care of a household." Why, this [attitude] is what has ruined all, your supposing that the reading of the divine Scriptures appertains to those [monks and nuns] only, when you need it much more than they. For those that dwell in the world, and each day receive wounds, these have most need of medicines.... All things are upside down. —Saint John Chrysostom

A Simple Way to Read the Story of the Bible

Many people want to read and study the Bible, but don't know where to begin. Should they read it straight through, cover to cover? Should they study individual books or passages somewhat randomly? So many people start and stop over and over again in frustration. When they try to read cover to cover, they get confused or bogged down after reading onle a few books. If they study individual books and passages willy nilly, they have trouble fitting the pieces together as a whole.

The Bible is a collection of many books by a variety of authors who lived in different times. Yet the Bible really does fit together into a single, unified story through which God reveals Himself by His mighty words and actions. You need to read the right books in the right order to follow and understand the history of salvation.

Here is a chart of the twelve basic periods of the history of salvation:

12 Periods of the History of Salvation

Period Recounted in Other books in this period's context
Dawn of Time Genesis 1-11
The Patriarchs Genesis 12-50 Job
Israel in Egypt
& The Exodus
Exodus & Numbers Leviticus & Deuteronomy
Conquest of Canaan Joshua
The Judges Judges Ruth
United Kingdom 1 & 2 Samuel 1 Chronicles, Psalms
Divided Kingdom 1 Kings 2 Chronicles, Tobit, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs
prophets to Israel: Hosea & Amos
prophets to Judah: Habakkuk, Isaiah, Jeremiah & his Lamentations, Joel, Micah, Zephaniah
prophets to Assyria: Jonah & Nahum
prophet to Edom: Obadiah
Babylonian Exile 2 Kings Ezekiel, Daniel, Baruch
The Exiles Return Ezra & Nehemiah Esther, Judith, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
Maccabean Revolt 1 Maccabees 2 Maccabees, Sirach, Wisdom
The Messiah's Advent Luke Matthew, Mark, John
The Catholic Church Acts Epistles & Revelation

What happened after a.d. 70? Start reading the Church Fathers!

There are 14 books in the "recounted in" column. By reading these 14 books in this order, you get a summary of the basic history of salvation. At an average rate of four chapters a day, you can read the whole basic history in approximately 3 months. After you've done this a few times, you'll be ready to read the other books of the Bible and, using the chart, understand where they fit into the story too.

Don't go too slow, but don't rush yourself, either. Give yourself a convenient, regular time to read four chapters a day. A simple checklist for reading the 14 books summarizing the basic history of salvation is available here. Print and keep this checklist with your Bible, and check off each day's reading.

(This reading program follows the ancient canon of holy Scripture: 46 books in the Old Testament, 27 in the New Testament, 73 books total.)

How to Read

Pay attention when you read. Pray, both before and after you read, for the Lord's assistance. If you find it helpful, take some notes while you read. Write down passages you want to remember or read again, and write down any questions you have about what you're reading. Do not get frustrated or discouraged if you do not understand everything right away. Allow yourself to be a beginner, even if you have been reading the Bible for years. If you want to know the Bible well, you'll want to read it many more times, and you will probably understand more and more each time. It takes time to read, study, and undertand the Bible. Strive to understand, but give yourself time. Again, feel free to write down your questions and save them for later.

Though you should read the Bible personally, you should not read it only by yourself. The Bible itself gives reasons for this (for example, in Acts 8:27-31 and 2Peter 3:15-16). Jesus Christ made His Body, the Church, the "pillar and foundation of truth" (1Timothy 3:15) against which the gates of hell cannot prevail (Matthew 16:15-19), so you should always seek to read and understand the Bible with the Church's knowledge and understanding. Christ's Church has been led by the Holy Spirit for 2000 years, so you should always be open to her wisdom and help. If you can trust Jesus Christ, you can trust His Church. Get into the living tradition of roots Christianity by reading the Church Fathers.

Never underestimate the benefits of patient and frequent prayer, especially praying and worshipping together with other members of the Church. Your reading comes alive when you pray, and especially when the Church reads and worships together. Be faithful and attentive to the Lord, striving always to love Him and your neighbors. God will strengthen you. Many discoveries, blessings, and insights await!

Dei Verbum (Vatican II Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation)

Bible Passages for Each Day of the Week