"The Bhavishya Mahapurana" is perhaps the most important document on earth documenting the sojourn of Jesus Christ in India. The section shown above includes verses 16-33 [shaded in grey] of the third khanda of the Pratisarga parvan of the Bhavishya Mahapurana, and mentions the meeting of King Shalivahana with Jesus Christ. The language is Sanskrit. For more information, including the English translation, click here.
"The Grub-Tha-Thamas-Chad" is a Tibetan Translation of an ancient Chinese document entitled, "The History of Religions and Doctrines--The Glass Mirror", which contains mention of "Yesu" (Jesus) and his teachings in Asia on pages 471-472. [Courtesy of Dr. Fida Hassnain, who discovered the document and has given us formal permission to display this copy. For more information as well as the English translation, click here)].
"Tarikh-i-Kabir Kashmir" is a Persian work that mentions that Yuzu Asaf, the occupant of the Roza Bal, is believed to be Hazrat Isa, i.e., Jesus Christ. The above text is from Volume 1, page 34 of that work. The highlighted portion reads: "Khawaja Azam Didmari writes that in the past, a Prince who absorbed himself in prayers and piety attained the station of a Messenger and was sent to this land for guidance of the people. His name was Yuz-Asaph. After his death, he was burried here in Mohalla Anzmar near Khanyar." (Yellow highlighting is that of Dr. Hassnain's.) For more information, as well as the full English translation, click here.
The above is the text that appears on a signpost that stands outside of the Roza Bal. For more information as well as the English translation, click here.
"The decree of the High Court of Justice, presided over by the Grand Mufti, giving permission for Rehman Khan to receive offerings from visitors to the Roza Bal, and also declaring clearly that Yuz-Asaph came to Kashmir as a prophet and is buried in the Roza Bal. For more information, including the English translation, click here. |
Recall the letter of Maulvi Abdullah to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in which he stated that there is a stone which has "footprints" carved upon it near the grave of Yuz Asaf. The letter of Maulvi Abdullah was published November 30, 1898 in the book, Raz-i-Haqiqat ('Secret of the Truth'). The footprints clearly show that the sculptor was depicting the feet of a man who had been wounded, and he wished to portray this in some manner. For more information, click here.
The Bagh-i-Sulaiman (Garden of Solomon) is a history of Kashmir in Persian verse, and was written by Mir Saadullah Shahabadi Kashmiri in 1780 A.D. The verse states that Yuzu Asaf was famous all over Kashmir due to his status as an "Apostle" of God. To read the English translation, click here.
The Wajees-ut-Tawarikh, written by Abdul Nabi Khanyari, otherwise known as Naba Shah, in 1857, records the Kashmiri tradition of "Paigambar Yuzu Asaf", which means, "Messenger of God, Yuzu Asaf," on page 27 of that Persian document. For the English translation, click here.
This document is called The Tarikh-i-Kashmir. The document mentions that Jesus Christ left Palestine to go to "the Holy Valley," a reference to Kashmir. The document states that "six days after his crucifixion, Jesus visited several places...and then left for [an] unknown destination." (Green highlighting is that of Dr. Hassnain's) To read the English translation, click here.
The Qisa Shazada Yuzasaph wo hakim Balauhar (The Story of the Prince Yuzasaph and the Philosopher Balauhar). This is another very interesting book that mentions the presence of Yuz Asaf in Kashmir. You will note above that this document comes from the Khuda Baksh Library in Patna, India. Patna is the capital of Bihar province. Khuda Baksh, the person for whom the library was named, was a lover of books who collected thousands of manuscripts and books during his life time. He established the famous Oriental Library. The number indicated in the document, 48293, is the serial number of this book in the library collection. For the full translation, click here.
Some critics of Nicholas Notovitch allege that a Buddhist monk at the Hemis monastery stated that Mr. Notovitch never visited that Buddhist monastery in Tibet where he claimed to have been shown Sanskrit documents recording Jesus' trip to India. Above is the English translation (translated by Dr. Hassnain) of a German diary that was kept by a German missionary named Br. Weber at a Christian mission in Tibet called the Moravian Mission. In the P.S. of the above document, it states that the older monks stated that they did remember Notovitch's trip to Hemis, and that he was shown manuscripts mentioning Jesus in India. (Yellow highlighting is that of Dr. Hassnain's). To read more, click here.