bobo the mutant clown
the prissy school girl with ass length blonde hair

::walks around the school halls in the middle of class because he feels the
need to::

::follows Jordan around laughing madly because he thinks his own costume is
extremely amuzing::

::bumps into Jordan in her hurry to get back to class (like a "good girl"
would)::  watch where ur going!

::helps the prissy bitch up because its the nice thing to do, putting a kick
me sign on her back as she dusts herself off::

::laughs bouyantly and follows the blonde prick on her way back to the class
from whence she came::

::turns around and shouts at the clown after being kicked in the ass by him::
what the hell did you do that for?

::peeks around the corner, and seeing the clown repeatedly kicking the blonde
girl in the ass, falls over laughing:: excellent! ditched the clown and got
the bitch at the same time!

::pulls the sign off the girls back and shows it to her, laughing so hard he
is on the brink of tears:: hahahahahahaha

::runs back to her classroom crying and humiliated:: whaaaaaa!!!

::rubs his hands together, grinning happily:: mission accomplished!