Funny Stuff
Stephanie goes to this site called Quotes on Anything and Everything. I would like to give her credit. ( Hope it is allright I put a few on my site.) So don't get mad. I like her site, it is good.
" Some guys say suck, I say sorry I don't choke on small objects." (That is what I say!)

"Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over" ( Duh.)

"Have you heared about my last boyfriend? NO? Oh good that means they never found the body."

" It isn't called showing off. It is called your just mad cuz you can't do it."
"Mirrors don't talk, and lucky for you they don't laugh either."

" Cute guys open my eyes, smart guys open my mind, but only sweet guys can open my heart."

" You should leave your brain to scince, after all they're the ones with the mirscopes prowerfull enough to find it."

" Ashes to ashes dust to dust if it weren't for girls( or guys) your thing would rust."
This are a couple that we put together from other quotes.
Once were.
What they become.
If life gives you lemons make lemon ade +
If life gives you lemons stuff them down your shirt and make your boobs bigger.
If life gives you lemons don't make lemon ade stuff them down your shirt and make your boobs bigger,
I was put on  Earth to make your life miserable.  ( tis what the key chain says.)
I was put on earth to make your life miserable. True but I was really put on Earth to show my parents that it is bad idea to have teenagers.
Why did the chicken cross the rode?

How the heck am I to know. Do I look like that chicken?( Me)

What do you get when you cross a stupid man and a steam roller?

A really flat stupid man. ( me and robin)

What do you get when you cross a mouse and a sheep?

A sheepish mouse. ( me)

If good girls go to Heaven and bad girls go to Hell then where do hoes go?

To the Virgin Islands to get recycled. ( not sure where it came from Jame to Nikki and she told me.)
( from us)
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