Time On Your Hands
- You know you have to much time on your hands when you and your friends make up stories and you can finish them in less then two weeks.
- You know you have to much time on your hands if  mostly the only conversation  you and your friends have at lunch is all about sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
- You know you have to much on your hands when you live on the internet.
- You know you have to much time on your hands when you and friends can take normal songs and change them in to sexual songs.
- You know you have to much time on your hands when you listen to the radio to much and can sit there and know the title of the song and who does it with out being told.       ( except DJs it is there job to know)
- You know you have to much time on your hands if you can sit at your computer and think up the things to say when you have to much time on your hands.
- And finally you know you have to much time on your hans when you are reading this.