truth - reason - logic
There are two schools of thought regarding religious beliefs:
God exists                       God doesn't exist
this website exists for the sole purpose of trying to present a reasoned arguement based on truth, reason and logic.
If you wish to respond, please do, but don't quote chapter and verse, we've heard it all before.  Let it be from your own reasoned conclusion
Disclaimer: Although the editor of this site is presenting a no-God theory, it is not an attack on any one religion, nor does it doubt the existance of an historic,  biblical character named Jesus.
    These days we are well used to mis-information and a slight bending of the truth, especially by politicians and business cartels. Most of the general public, this editor included, are susceptible to a non-stop bombardment of information and, in all ignorance, we believe most of what we see on tv and read in the newspapers. We know no different. Despite compulsory education for every child and an insurmountable mass of knowledge freely available, there is still an area of knowledge which is left to blind faith, a spiritual need, or somewhere-someone on whom to place our woes and tribulations.
     How then must it have been for our ancestors? It is assumed that only scribes and priests could read and write, leaving the general public in a state of ignorance, only knowing what they were told, except for the natural world around them with which they had to compromise and work. There was no concept of a round planet, a solar system, a galaxy, a universe containing billions of galaxies. There was no concept of the myriad life-forms on this planet, only those within their own small world, and that world was very limited, very confined, very demanding if they were to survive the rigours of life. They sought solace in the words of comfort offered by their priests, they accepted the admonition for wrong doing, they accepted  the teachings about creation and life around them. They accepted the stories of a loving but vengeful god. They accepted all they were taught for one good reason, (two reasons actually, one being fear) they knew no different!

     It says in the third line down that 'we know no different,' but we certainly know far more than our primitive ancestors who were taught to obey and fear their god and tow the line, or face dire consequences. They accepted that god made the Earth and all the life thereon. In one version of the Bible, in Genesis, it states that 'on looking down, the sons of god (note the plural) were overjoyed on seeing what a beautiful world their father had created.'  It is a beautiful world but, like a beautiful woman, it has sharp claws. If god were a managing director or highly placed and responsible for the welfare of public as well as staff, and he had created the world, he would now be out of a job. He would have been forced to resign or retire early. At the worst, he would have been taken to court and charged with endangering life and life through negligence or shoddy workmanship. A beautiful world created by a loving father would not have contained flaws that killed 280,000 people at christmas, 2004. It would not have killed 2,000 people at Easter 2005.