HOME Perspective

borders of "Palestine"

Who are the Palestinians Sykes-Picot The Arab “Mein Kampf”

Truth Harbourers

"They Are Weaving Myth Into Fact"

As the value of world public opinion gains recognition as the new modern-day battle ground, we witness massive yet subtle changes in the way news is reported in particular areas of the world, especially anything pertaining to events in Israel. It seems that a system has been created which includes omission of facts, alteration of facts, misplaced context, and even blatant disregard for ,and alteration of - history. One of the aims of this site is to bring this interesting phenomenon into the light for all to see. To bring forth the truth, and to present a clear comprehensive description of events based on fact.
Most basic facts IGNORED
Peace Partner's ?? Really . . .
How the news media manipulates PUBLIC OPINION
Arab propaganda machine – In Canada and U.S.A Campuses
"Palestinians"- Teaching their children PEACE / (update) Summer Camps
The Arab “Mein Kampf”
Who are the "Palestinians"?
Questions you should be asking yourself
Refugee Brief

Palestinian Charter

Charter has not been ammended
CNN & BBC bias
The Jewish Fifth Columnists
Mark Twain's Observations
Clinton Assad
United Nations Resolution 181 calling for the division of "Western Palestine" between the Jews and the "Palestinians." The Jews accepted. The surrounding Arab states attacked the newborn Israel with the intent of dividing "Palestine" between themselves- the "Palestinians" were as yet an unheard of people. Maps
Without exception, whether in biblical times or modern times, Jews have always been at the height of their affluence and the height of intoxication at being allowed to hobnob amongst non-Jews. But defeat was never with the sudden blow of an ax. It was always the result of a very clear and methodical publicized campaign - a plan for all to see – destroy the Jews. We Jews always choose not to see it. What an interesting phenomenon.

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