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"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

Never Forget!

An open letter
to all US Arabs

This Should
Make You Proud

Send A Card
To Our Troops
To Say Thank You

Remember The
Blood of Heroes

The Reason For
This "Blood of Heroes"

God's Plan
For Your

Read About Charlie
Daniels Trip
To Gitmo

In war, there is no alternative but

Losers dictate a wars end Winners dictate the terms!

Free American Health Care NOW!

Please take a minute to sign this petition keeping Government control OUT of healthcare - Click Here

The Sack Lunch

You have a right to your own opinions, but you don't have a right to your own facts!

Quoting President Ronald Reagan (the Gipper)

The 5 Types of Americans

1. Those that make things happen.
2. Those that watch things happen.
3. Those that wonder what happened.
4. Those who don’t care what happened.
5. And those that are too ignorant to know anything happened.

ALERT!! The Secret Weapon of the Democrat Party -

The Republican Party and Conservatives have been deliberately set-up (ensnared) by the Democrat liberals to be the recipients of blame, therefore, eliminating the Republican Party as a threatening future opponent!! And it.s working!

Read how they have, are, and will accomplish this

Get The Facts Correct Before Pointing Your Inculpatory Finger At President Bush


Conservative Leaders Meet, Plan to Battle Obama’s Agenda –
With or Without Republicans
Thursday, November 06, 2008 - Read here

Obama's nation has begun - Join the battle against him and his socialist agenda Check It Out Here

The Most Dangerous Bill in Congress - S.B.1173 and H.R. 1964 Freedom of Choice Act
The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) would eliminate every restriction
on abortion nationwide

The Freedom Of Choice Act: Congressional Sponcers Of Infanticide

Payback Time: What Planned Parenthood Expects from Barack Obama for their support -
Obama made a promise to Planned Parenthood last year and they expect him to keep it.
An end to ANY and ALL restrictions on abortions. More taxpayer funding for
Planned Parenthood, including funding for abortion itself. Read more about it here

And, you had better believe - HE WILL KEEP HIS PROMISE TO THEM!!

Planned Parenthood Contributions to Federal Candidates
Read the list here

All will keep their promises to PP - count on it!


Lila Rose, a UCLA undergraduate, editor-in-chief of the UCLA Advocate (LIVE ACTION'S THE ADVOCATE), and a Pro-Life Activist, has EXPOSED Planned Parenthood in their cover-up of statutory rape with teens that come to their clinics for the purpose of killing their unborn. Their covering up of statutory rape cases are in violation of American law. It is an illegal action which incites resistance and a lack of respect to lawful authority and, in my opinion, a means to cause the disruption of our society.

Planned Parenthood has only an interest in killing the unborn and they have no thoughts as to how statutory rape affects these young girls.  In fact, the more teens that get pregnant (no matter by who or how),  means more cash for this organization to put into their coffers.  These killing twits don't give one whit for the babies they murder, so why would one be so surprised when they show nothing at all for these teen rapped victims. Afterall, these victims are the bread basket for these killing laboratories.

Lila Rose has been threatened with legal action after videotaping group's cover-up of statutory rape.

Read the story of her pro-life activistism at WND, and at LifeSiteNews, and watch the video


  One Nation Under God reports ACLU activity that threatens our religious liberty by engaging in a religious cleansing of American society.  

ACLU Files Lawsuit Challenging Passed Marriage Amendment in CA
Read their latest attempt at cleansing America

What could/would an Obama win do to this country?
Read what I believe will happen - August 5, 2008

Barack Obama and His Pay Grade
I wonder what other qustions or actions would be “ABOVE HIS PAY GRADE”"IF" he were to
become President?
Read here

Barack Obamas' Propaganda of "Hope" and "Change"
Agenda For America(ns)
"CHANGE" yes (for the worst), and No "HOPE" for all concerned! Read here

Barack Obama and his Merry Band
of Liberal Rob-ing-hoods
Read it here

Obamas' 50 Lies and counting! Read them here

This "bail out" is a government "TAXPAYER bail out"--
Bankrupting America(ns) even more!
Call it like it is.

It’s the hundreds of thousands of Americans which are the beneficiaries of
these government bail outs.

Every penny spent to bail out these private corporations has to be

since there is no money in the treasury. Another
‘borrow from Paul to pay Peter’ ) deal. Much like they have been doing
for 50 years with Social Security. How do you write a $100 million dollar
check to Freddie and Fannie when your bank account is already
$9.6 TRILLION dollars?

To us 'average' folk, our banks call this "insufficent funds" when we are "overdrawn and we are charged a hefty penality in dollars.

The governments answer to this crisis is to just PRINT more money and
stick it to the American taxpayers.

And, of course, we taxpayers don't have the luxurious ability to PRINT out money for our debts.

We would lose EVERYTHING and be thrown in jail if we ran OUR households like the government is running OUR government.

Thot for the Day: Electing a Republican President to the White House, whether he
is a liberal Republican or a Conservative Republican, is 100% better than electing
any liberal Democrat to this office!!

Liberal Democratic (and some Republican-“Rino”) Congressional Leaders -- Power and Money
are the two greatest things for which most of them are striving, and many of them sacrifice
honor, integrity, and justice to obtain it.

My Observance of the Obvious:

Most states in America have suffered from a lack of leadership for many years and I can
see why. You would think that voters across these states would want strong and effective
leadership. A state that leans “Democrat” tells me that those states must like higher
taxes, less bring-home pay, more tax dollars going out to illegal immigrants and foreign
labor flooding their states, more redistribution of their paycheck dollars toward more
socialist programs and someone in office that thinks that Osama bin Laden is the
example of what charity and humanitarian work should be.

The liberals in Washington D.C. and the socialist news media, has done an excellent job at educating the American masses into ignorance.



Read what will happen if the liberals and Mr. Obama have their way by pulling our troops out of the Middle East in defeat

A war that will surpass all wars will be coming (and will never end) if we fail to have victory
in Iraq and Afghanistan
.   Read it here Or here

REMEMBER! We need to be “independent”
FROM FOREIGN OIL – not “independent” FROM OIL!!


Read them here

Oil Prices and Al Gore!! Want to know why your fuel at the pump is so high and climbing? Ask your liberal Democratic Congress! It is the Democrats' liberal policies that have shut down much of U.S. oil exploration and made America even more dependent on foreign oil! They continue to block ever proposed legislation for drilling within our own borders and shorelines.

This leads us to what and why they are rising, due to the above mentioned truth and…political environmental arrogance - a perpetrated action of deceit and cunning by Al Gore!

Notice how the news media, whenever they are talking about oil prices going up and fuel at
the pump going up, they ALWAYS add their report about the global warming and
environmental impact with the story. If you haven’t noticed, listen closely.They ALWAYS
connect the two.

You see, they couldn’t stop you from driving your "gas guzzling" SUV’s and big "gas guzzling"
trucks any other way….although they have tried….but how many of you are trying to sell your
low gas mileage SUV’s and big trucks and replacing them with better gas mileage,
eco-friendly cars? How many SUV’s and big trucks are the automobile companies being
forced to take losses on because they have to re-tool and build smaller eco-friendly cars?
They are having to put the SUV’s and big trucks they can’t sell, on the shel, at a huge
loss, not to mention the many folks that will loose their jobs.

They are FORCING us to go European folks. Have you bought your bicycle or scooter yet?

Its working isn’t it! Read more about it here

How I Know “Global Warming” is A Lie --
by Dr. Samuel C. Gipp, Th. D. -- He gives us the "Rest of the Story"

Liberalism! The Death Of Americanism

It has been said that it is the newspapers, the broadcasters, the politicians, and the men in black robes (activist judges legislating from the bench) who make public opinion, not the people. The people are mere followers of public opinion established by the public media.

Public opinion is artificially created by professionals who are well versed in this field. It is the mind of the media which crushes genius, strangles initiative, promotes discord and injustice. Do you know of any other monster so cruel and depraved as public opinion?

The Old Democrat Party has morphed into a Socialistic, Communistic -- Totalitarian Party (espousing those principles according to which the state regulates every realm of our lives) as has their conjoined partners,
the national news networks.

God, War, Oil Prices, Vietnam War, Illegal Immigration, Gun Rights, Spanish, Abortion,
The Environment/Global Warming, Gays....etc.? There is more!

Let’s Connect The Dots....
Read it here

Archbishop of apostasy - by Hal Lindsey
And its coming to our America – A must read for every American
Read it here

Look How Far America Has Gone In The Wrong Direction
This Is Only The Tip Of The Iceberg Read the sad story here


Charlotte Iserbyt  is the consummate whistleblower! Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in Americas classrooms.

It’s Free To Download

Downloadable PDF Version - - is available as a useful tool for free from this link, or on the home page. The file size is 6.75 MB and will download quickly on high speed connections. Dial up may take an hour or more.

Do you want to know how and why our country is being lead down the socialistic path and into pure chaos by liberal elitists who have nothing but pure contempt for our nation and all its people? It starts in pre-school and/or kindergarten . You will learn how and why our government took control of our educational system and turned it into an indoctrination (accepting doctrines uncritically) lab.

A MUST read for every American -- (not only) parents, grandparents and those that want children in the future. THIS affects us all
Weep For Our Children and Weep For Our Country

Another Thot for the Day: When was the last time we watched and/or heard our mainstream media reporters telling and showing us how many terrorist enemies our brave military men and women have defeated in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Almost never!

Almost never showing our military successes and victories of crushing our enemies -- those same enemies, terrorist swine, who attacked America on 911 and has sworn with their dark souls to slaughter every American and Israeli they can.

Not to mention almost never showing and telling of the great successes, victories, and heroic endeavors of freeing an oppressed and tortured people of their tyrant dictator.

But they always, day after day, night after night, tell how many of our brave men and women have been killed by the terrorists' guns, suicide bombers, sniper bullets and other grotesque slayings….in the hopes of patronizing us into believing that a “defeatist withdrawal” tactic is best for America and the well being of our fighting troops.

If today’s media were doing the reporting during our previous world wars and conflicts, we would have lost those wars (as we lost in Vietnam). Your '60's and '70's anti-war, anti-military, anti-victory for America crowd has penetrated and seized our mainstream media networks today...leading America to defeat and shame at every crossroad.

Your liberal daily and nightly biased news media have become the voice of our enemy in lockstep with the liberal Democrat Party-- "Sleeping with the enemy" fascist propaganda at its best!!

"Profiling and Segregation"
The Day is drawing nearer

Pictures Of Our Beautiful Sonoran Desert in AZ

See them all here

Get The Facts Here!


Show Me Where The ACLU's "Separation of Church and State" Is Found
Written In The 1st Amendment
(or any other Amendment) To Our Constitution!
Amendment I: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The ACLU acknowledges that it prefers international law over the
Constitution of the United States
of America.

ACLU Convenes First National Conference On the Use of International
Human Rights Law in the U.S. Justice System (10/8/2003)

If one ever needed proof that the ACLU believes that the Constitution of the
United States of America is NOT sufficient for the governance of these "Several States," then here it is --
Read It Here In Their OWN Words

Is the ACLU the Legal Arm of the Communist Party?
Does ACLU actually stand for the 'American Communist Lawyers Union'?
I've already made up my mind - have you?
Check it out

Check it out: Weep For Our Children - The Public School Systems'
Acceptance and Tolerance Agenda of Perversion - Our Government
Taxpayer Funded Public Schools Are Teaching Our Kids Perversion and America's Morally Principled Parents and Teachers' Only Choice is Accept Perversion or Leave!
Read it here

deja vu! - NEA bolsters gays on policy AND practices

Bible Out Says ACLU - ALL Others Accepted, Promoted and Encouraged -
ACLU says there's a wall of separation of church and state (which there is no such
term in our Constitution) in regards to the Bible being read/taught in our public
schools - That wall of separation does not seem to exist however, if your religion
is Wicca, New Age, Buddhism, Islam, or any other cult there is. Read more here

NCBCPS - National Council On Bible Curriculum In Public Schools Check it out here

ACLU targets God & $Taxpayers$
They are using our hard-earned dollars to promote their socialist agenda through our Judicial Court system - they are getting paid VERY well by we American taxpayers , while we American taxpayers are losing our Constitutional freedoms. Read it here

How The West Was Won - American Style
Red-Blooded Cowboys/Cowgirls - Fast Horses - Sheriff - Deputized Posses -
Herd Um Up - Move Um Out - Keeping Illegal Immigration Out!

U.S. Congressman John Culberson of Texas (on Border Security) Says: "We will never win
the war on terror until we secure our borders. Lawlessness breeds lawlessness, and this
lack of enforcement is allowing illegal aliens and potential terrorists to enter
our country.
" Check it out here

Mexico Plans To Take Back California, Texas and
Arizona -With Our Help.
.. Read it here

To expose the ACLU for what it REALLY is and for what it REALLY stands for is embarrassing and threatening for them . For to expose the ACLU is to expose their place in our societies, their un-American activities and goals and their power agenda. Like a vampire that needs the darkness to thrive, so does the ACLU. Reminds me of how the radical Islamic followers of their Qur'an do. They also need darkness to thrive.

S T O P the ACLU - Be a part of the 'Stop the ACLU' Coalition!

Website seeks to consign group to 'ash heap of history'

From stoptheaclu:  "The American Civil Liberties Union is relentlessly and fiercely assaulting
America's foundations by feverishly working thru activist courts to impose same
sex marriage and remove all vestiges of the 10 Commandments (and all that refers to God)
wherever they may be posted."

The Big Lie and Hyprocisy of the ACLU and Other Enemies of Americas' heritage.

Who has appointed the "(un)American Civil Liberties Union" as the independent totalitarian supreme "godfather" of our civil rights? The Communist Party USA!

The ACLU (which I call the "(A)nti (C)hristian (L)awyers (U)nion"OR the "(A)nti (C)hrist (L)awyers (U)nion") has consistently been on a steadfast course that crushes all traditional institutions and oppresses ALL our Christian basic principles and foundations in its drive to seize the human soul and heartbeat of our nation.

Everything You Need To Know About The
(Those infamous Lawyers of deception and sexual perversion)

All The Information You Need To Make An Intelligent and Sound Decision That Leads To Action - Not Compromise - Nor Indifference.

Information that will expose who the ACLU are, what they stand for, what their agenda truly is, who and what they defend, who they DON'T defend and their goals for Americans and America. Trust me, it has nothing to do with their mantra of "civil rights", which they have hid behind since their conception!

And so much more...
Read it here

I bet you didn't know this...What The ACLU Will Destroy IF They Can….
And They Are Trying…Click here

Here's a shocker for most of you! The gay activists, deviants, liberal-socialists, and the morally corrupt of our day are calling we Christian conservatives the "hate" crowd because we do not accept their perversions as 'right' as they do! What is unfolding in this age of so-called "enlightenment" are those that call 'right' wrong and 'wrong' right!

But Guess What!!

Our God is RIGHT, as ALWAYS, with His prophecies and HE HATES
WRONG--which is SIN!

It's time, nay, past time, for the Second American Revolution! Haven't you had enough of the insanity that is ripping our Nation to shreds? It's time to pick your side - Good vs. Evil!

We must send a CLEAR signal to the courts that they cannot simply redefine the sacred
institution of marriage by judicial fiat!

Answers To Stupid Liberal Soundbytes! Click Here

Get Right About America!
Stop making unscriptural excuses Click here

It's Time For A "Holy War" Here In America Now!
(For Christians)
Click here

Except for ending slavery, fascism, nazism, and communism

Let's give it another chance!

ACLU - We don't hate religion.
We just hate GOD and HIS CHRISTIANITY!

Hillary Clinton: Her mind works like lightning.
One brilliant flash and it's gone!

al-Gore: His reality check has bounced!

"If you love wealth better than liberity, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom...go from us in peace. We ask not your counsel or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget you were our countrymen!!" Sammuel Adams

June 1944

General George S. Patton:

"I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country..."

"There is but one straight course, and that is to seek truth and pursue it steadily."
George Washington

Big Bang Theory - In The Beginning there was "NOTHING"......and it, ("NOTHING"), exploded! This brainy IQ?

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the ACLU for
what it
stands for -
the party of
liberal socialists,
and the
morally corrupt,
who are committed to
America's morals, the American
flag, our
American sovereignty,
our American Constitution and the
END of God


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