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"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2


A Refresher Synopsis


This is a synopsis to the 1993 Chinagate Scandal...Leading up to this 2004 ongoing investigation of vital data reported missing last week from a research area within the Los Alamos labs in New Mexico. Once again this critical place is in the news.

This is not the first time we have had a breach at this "National Security" facility in New Mexico. One has to wonder, "What's up"!

In 1993, do you remember those ill-famed words of then President Clinton to the Washington Post in an interview? He said, "CHINA WILL LIKELY replace the USA as world leader....It is just a matter of time".

Also can read about this at

Clinton should know. He has personally done more to build China’s military strength than any man on earth. He and his side-kick Al Gore.

Most Americans have heard of the so-called "Chinagate " scandal. Few understand its deadly impact, however.

Below, I will try and give you a short synopsis of this 1993 scandal which will lead into what is happening today, 2004 at Los Alamos.

When Bill Clinton took office in 1993, China presented little threat to the United States. Chinese missiles couldn’t hit the broad-side of a barn. Few could reach North America and those that made it would likely miss their targets.

But thanks to Bill Clinton, China can now hit any city in the USA, using state-of-the-art, solid-fueled missiles with dead-accurate, computerized guidance systems and multiple warheads.

China probably has suitcase nukes as well. These enable China to strike by proxy, equipping nuclear-armed terrorists to do their dirty work, while the Chinese are seen without fingerprints on the weapons and play their innocent act.

Some intelligence sources claim that China maintains secret stockpiles of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons on U.S. soil, for just such contingencies. We will never know how true that is until, it is too late.

Anyway, in 1997, Clinton allowed China to take over the Panama Canal. The Chinese company Hutchison Whampoa leased the ports of Cristobal and Balboa, on the east and west openings of the canal respectively, thus controlling access both ways. How many of you remember this? How many of you gave it a second thought? How many of you realize the dangers?

Also, see for more details.

Remember this? A public outcry stopped Clinton in 1998 from leasing California’s Long Beach Naval Yard to the Chinese firm COSCO.

Now, China can strike U.S. targets easily from their bases in Panama, Vancouver and the Bahamas.

How did China catch up so fast? That doesn't take a rocket-scientist to figure that one out! We (Clinton, on behalf of America) sold them all the technology they needed, or handed it over for free. Neither neglect nor carelessness is to blame. Bill Clinton did it on purpose.

As a globalist, Clinton promotes "multipolarity", the cynical doctrine that no country (such as the USA) should be allowed to gain decisive advantage over others.

To this end, Clinton appointed anti-nuclear activist Hazel O’Leary to head the Department of Energy. O’Leary set to work "leveling the playing field," as she put it, by giving away our nuclear secrets. She declassified 11 million pages of data on U.S. nuclear weapons and loosened up security at weapons labs.

Federal investigators later concluded that China made off with the "crown jewels" of our nuclear weapons research under Clinton’s open-door policy, probably including design specifications for suitcase nukes.

Meanwhile, Clinton and Gore raked in millions from his corporate cronies. Conservatives screamed but he biased media wouldn't let them be heard.

Ever wonder how Clinton got away with it? Well, Defense contractors eager to sell technology to China poured millions of dollars into Clinton’s campaign. In return, Clinton called off the dogs. These Chinese supporters were given a safe exit out of this country to keep from being investigated and prosecuted.

Janet Reno and other counterintelligence officials stood down while Lockheed Martin, Hughes Electronics, Loral Space & Communications and other U.S. companies helped China modernize its nuclear strike force.

"We like your president. We want to see him reelected," former Chinese intelligence chief General Ji Shengde told Chinagate bagman Johnny Chung. I'm sure you remember Johnny Chung, a Democrat fundraiser appointed to a top Commerce Department position by the White House, acting as an agent of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

Indeed, Chinese intelligence organized a massive covert operation aimed at tilting the 1996 election Clinton’s way.

Clinton’s top campaign contributors for 1992 were Chinese agents; his top donors in 1996 were U.S. defense contractors selling missile technology to China.

Clinton received funding directly from known or suspected Chinese intelligence agents, among them James and Mochtar Riady who own the Indonesian Lippo Group; John Huang; Charlie Trie; Ted Sioeng; Maria Hsia; Wang Jun.

U.S. Rep. Barr had this to say at that time:

"If President Clinton has assisted in providing sophisticated weapons technology to the Communist Chinese in return for foreign or domestic campaign contributions, there is only one way to describe what he has done: betrayed his country in a breathtaking manner for the worst reason imaginable, money," said Barr.

"This latest information linking Chinese military money to the Clinton-Gore campaign has ramifications far beyond our borders," Barr continued, "For one thing, this week's nuclear tests by India are directly attributable to President Clinton's policy of encouraging the proliferation of nuclear weapons and delivery vehicles by providing unprecedented amounts of sophisticated technology to Communist China. Now, we have learned that Johnny Chung, who visited the White House over 49 times, was funneling money for Chinese Lieutenant Colonel Liu Huaqing, with whom President Clinton himself eagerly posed for a photo at a 1996 fundraiser."

"I have maintained that allegations of Communist Chinese influence are the most serious matters we should be investigating." Barr added.

House Democrats refused to grant immunity to witnesses ready to testify about Chinese contributions. Democrats in the House have become a wall between the American people and the truth. Their actions have made them accomplices in covering up apparent violations of our national security and criminal laws.

Commerce Secretary Ron Brown served as Clinton’s front man in many Chinagate deals. When investigators began probing Brown’s Lippo Group and Chinagate connections, Brown died suddenly in a suspicious April 1996 plane crash. Guns were found onboard at the crash but the media was sworn to silence. I heard it once and after than, silence on the subject.

Needless to say, China does not share Clinton’s enthusiasm for globalism or multipolarity. The Chinese look out for Number One.

"War [with the United States] is inevitable; we cannot avoid it," said Chinese Defense Minister General Chi Haotian in 2000. "The issue is that the Chinese armed forces must control the initiative in this war."

Former vice-president Al Gore made a visit to China, where he is believed to have been paid to speak at a communist government-linked think-tank and attended a lunch hosted by former ENRON director Ronnie Chan Chi-chung.

Bill Clinton and Al Gore have given them a good start.

In March 9, 1999 former Los Alamos National Laboratory physicist Wen Ho Lee was indicted on 59 counts of violating the Federal Atomic Energy Act and the Federal Espionage Act. Each count in the indictment deals with the possession, transfer, removal, concealment and other types of mishandling of classified information.

However, Lee was not charged with spying -- for giving classified information to a foreign government.

Although prosecutions on such matters have been extremely rare it is said, some federal officials argued for an indictment because of the extreme sensitivity of the information Lee allegedly mishandled, namely nuclear weapons codes.

The sad thing about all this is that he, Wen Ho Lee, was only fired, and not jailed! What happened to "death to all treasonous spies" or "Death to all TRAITORS"? We have to be the only nation on the face of the earth that doesn't execute spies, thanks to the liberal enemy's within.

Such information is essentially the blueprint for many of the nation's most sophisticated nuclear weapons.

According to officials familiar with the investigation, Lee also allegedly downloaded information from a secure computer to a non-secure computer; not once, but several times.

Lee, an American physicist who was born in Taiwan, has denied passing secrets to China. He was fired from the Los Alamos lab in New Mexico in March of that year, for alleged security violations on suspicion
he spied for Beijing. .

Vice President Al Gore also denied charges the Clinton administration was slow in responding to the alleged theft of nuclear warhead design information discovered in 1995.

I guess that this line is the administration's equivalent to their telling us of Clinton's counseling and comforting Monica. After all, what he did to her he also was doing to our country's security and future.

I was thoroughly disgusted by the Chinagate scandals that exploded during the Clinton-Gore years.

I was sickened by the Clinton White House's obliteration of the rule of law. I was outraged, as an American, by the Democrat Party's systematic sellout of national security.

These democratic politicos made blind excuses for corrupt fund-raisers such as convicted campaign finance criminals John Huang and Pauline Kanchanalak. They were so good at cover-ups and passing the blame.

They obstinately defended slippery beneficiaries of tainted cash such as Democratic Governor Gary Locke of Washington State, who took money not only from Huang and Kanchanalak, but also more than $14,000 donated in the name of clueless monks and nuns at a Seattle-area Buddhist temple.

Rather than lambaste Red China for its covert operation to infiltrate America's electoral system, these leaders covered up every aspect of this dangerous ordeal, and their guilt.

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