
You might be wondering what an ambigram is, and why I've called this project SymFides. Ambigrams are pieces of word art. Their appeal is in their symmetry and in their simple yet complex design. Most of the ambigrams I create are simple one and two word designs. When you rotate an ambigram it presents you with another word, or the same word.

I call this project SymFides for its dualistic approach to ambigrams and their design. The first portion, "Sym" from symmetry and "Fides" from the latin word for loyalty or confidence. SymFides is my way of saying I'm confident of the beauty in the symmetry of the ambigram form of art.

I've created some great ambigrams in the past for a lot of excited people. Some of my examples I decided to make open to you to have. Click the link below to see some of the ambigrams I've already made.


Equip yourself properly with these clever ambigram clothes so your friends know just how much you rock.
Click here for more

Looking for something more than just an ambigram?

I also have the ability to print your custom ambigram on shirts, sweatshirts, jackets and a few other items. I recently switched to SpreadShirt.com to do all of our printing. They have a great range of shirts and items, in a large variety of colors that have one of SyFi's ambigrams printed on.

SpreadShirt items also make great gifts. Can you imagine the look on your friend's/ coworker's/family's face when you give them a gift with a custom ambigram printed on it. Maybe they'd like an ambigram of their name on a shirt. Do you have a business? SpreadShirt products make great rewards for your employees.

This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from SyFi - SymFides. Make your own badge here.
Like what you see? Order your own today!

Sadly I've had to scale back my successful ambigram project. I've become overly swamped and life has intervened. I have been lately unable to fully devote myself to this craft. So to fulfill my promise to myself, and my promise to you, I will be selling the ambigrams of names and words I have already made. These will come to you at a discounted price, to make up for not being completely custom made. I apologize to all who are looking for a custom ambigram, and hope that someday I will be able to take this torch back up. Please refer to the ordering page if you would like to see what ambigrams are available at what prices. Thank you.

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