Timesplitters 2 Strats


Series Level Platinum Requirement Relative Platinum Difficulty (scale of 10) Strat by
Glass Smash Pane in the Neck 0:11.0 3
Bricking It 0:27.9 3
Stain Removal 32 panes, 0:47.9 5
Behead the Undead Fight Off The Living Dead 145000 pts 7 Beachbug
Sergio's Last Stand 35000 pts 5
Day of the Dammed 25000 pts 4 Beachbug
Infiltration Silent but Deadly 1000 pts, 0:39.9 7Josh
Trouble at the Docks 1000 pts, 0:24.9 3coming soon
Escape from NeoTokyo 1000 pts, 0:19.9 4Neo
Banana Chomp Gone Bananas 0:45.0 5Snoozer
Monkey Business 0:48.0 5 Snoozer
Playing With Fire 24 bananas, 0.9 left 3 Snoozer
Cut-outShoot-out Take 'em Down 4000 pts 4 Ts2Lenny
Fall Out 1700 pts 2 Neo
Pick Yer Piece 1250 pts 4 Failurewarning
TimeSplitters'Story' Classic Badass Bus Pass Impasse 0:45.0 4 Most Frantic*
But Where do the Batteries Go? 4:30.0 3
Hit Me Baby One Morgue Time 1:00.0 5 Quochendov
Monkeying Around Simian Shootout 2000 pts 6 Mike
Monkey Mayhem 3000 pts 6 Beachbug
Dam Bursters 9300 pts 8 coming soon

Note: for Snoozers strats you have to right click and save as

Arcade - Amateur League

Series Level Platinum Requirement Relative Platinum Difficulty (scale of 10) Strat by
Beginner's Series Adios Amigos! 0:40.0 5 Failurewarning
Casualty 1:00.0 5 Failurewarning
Top Shot 1:10.0 10 Failurewarning
Mode Madness Chastity Chased 1:10.0 4 Failurewarning
Shrinking from the Cold 0:50.0 5 Josh
Scrap Metal 1:05.0 8 thegame
It's a Blast Night Shift 50 kills 7 coming soon
Spoils of War 2:40.0 4 Josh
Demolition Derby 45 kills 4 coming soon
Too Hot to Handle Monkey Immolation 3:00.0 1 Neo
Disco Inferno 3:00.0 2 Questrobin
Burns Department 3:00.0 3 Neo
Team Series A Club Soda 1:30.0 5 Most Frantic
Station Stand 3:15.0 5 Harrall
Men in Gray 1:00.0 6 coming soon

Arcade - Honorary League

Series Level Platinum Requirement Relative Platinum Difficulty (scale of 10) Strat by
Maximus Cold Corpse Caper 40 kills 3 Ts2Lenny
Killer Queen 1:50.0 4 Josh
R109 Beta 42 kills 6 coming soon
Elimination Series Baking for the Taking 2:20.0 1 Questrobin
Brace Yourself 1:20.0 5 Neo
Starship Whoopers 30 kills 4 coming soon
Burns 'n' Bangs Chinese Burns 1:45.0 2 Most Frantic
Snow Business 1:50.0 5 Most Frantic
Rocket Man 1:05.0 7 Neo
Outnumbered But Never Outpunned! Someone Has Got to Pay... 80 kills 6 Ts2Lenny
Time to Split 1:20.0 6 Ts2Lenny
Can't Handle This 2:40.0 4 Neo
Team Series B Hack a Hacker 1:00.0 6 Questrobin
Rice Cracker Rush 3:00.0 5 Most Frantic
Superfly Lady 1:30.0 5 Ts2Lenny

Arcade - Elite League

Series Level Platinum Requirement Relative Platinum Difficulty (scale of 10) Strat By
One Shot Thrills Babes in the Woods 25 kills 4 Josh
Double Bill 2:30.0 6 Josh
Nikki Jinki Bricky 1:35.0 5 Most Frantic
Duel Meaning If I'm Ugly - You Smell! 5 lives 4 Ts2Lenny
Golem Guru 5 lives 5 thegame
Golden Thighs 1:35.0 3
Frantic Series Hangar Hat's Off! 1:15.0 7 Josh
Can't Please Everyone... 2:30.0 6 Josh
Most Frantic
Big Top Blowout 45 kills 8 coming soon
Team Series C Bags of Fun 10 bags better 5 Chewie
They're Not Pets! 55 kills 4 Neo
Nice Threads 2:40.0 5 Jugador
Sincerest Form of Flattery Aztec the Dino Hunter 90 kills 6 Ts2Lenny
Half Death 2:00.0 5 Josh
Dead Fraction 2:05.0 6 thegame

For a little advice on each level check out Cayene of Doma's FAQ, its by far the best out there.

Old School

Game Strat by
Anaconda Most Frantic
Astrolander - Easy Samsim
Astrolander - Medium Samsim
Astrolander -Hard Samsim
Retroracer Kettch

Run in conjunction with Ngc-elites.net
and the-elite.net

French message boards(Stratégies en français)
GameFAQs message board

This page was created by Failurewarning and Yoshifan
added contributions by: the TS2 elite at Ngc-elites.net
Contact us with sugesstions, your strats or strats you would like to see.
Need a video? write to us and we will tell you the best place to go for it
More strats coming soon. Stay tuned.
all strats copywrited by their authors

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