Rhole: *floats down from above on an umbrella* I see everyone's here! Omi: Anou, who are you? Rhole: Watashi? I'm the fic writer! :: ^_^ :: Ken: Oi! You're not supposed to be here...! Rhole: Ara, Ken-kun, don't make me use these... *smirks as she pulls some yaoi pics of him and Youji out of her pocket, waving them in the air* Ken: *blushes* WHEREDIDYOUGETTHOSE???!!!! Aya & Omi: O.O *look at Ken, mouths gaped open* Youji: Oi, do we HAVE to do this? What's the point anyway? Rhole: *grins* sore wa...himitsu desu! Xelloss: Isn't that MY line?? Rhole: *bops Xel over the head with her umbrella* I'm TRYING to narrarate here! Xel: *returns to yaoi-Slayers land, rubbing his noggin* Omi: *whispers to Youji* and she threatened to write us in a yaoi crossover fic with the Teletubbies if we didn't... Youji: -_-() good point. Rhole: Okies, everybody on the ice! All: *whinegripemumblecomplain* Rhole: *looks around* Where's Farfie? Nagi: *points to a bench where Farfie is seated, stabbing his arm with the skate's blade* Rhole: o_O Ken and Omi: *clinging to the railing* I can't skate! Youji: *leans over Ken's shoulder* Need help, Ken-chan? Omi: *blushes and tries to skate away from the two, only to fall on his back* Aya: *looks at Omi sprawled out on the ice and nosebleeds* Schushu: *gingerly skates by Aya, smirking* Yeah, that would be interesting to try on the ice... Aya: *scwols angrily* stay out of my mind, you fruitcake! *chases after Schushu* Farfie: *stalks onto the ice, arm bleeding, licking knives* Brad: *smirks and adjusts his glasses* 5, 4, 3, 2... Ken and Omi: *scream as Aya crashes into them* Brad: ...1. Ken: *rubs his arm* I thought you could skate! Aya: Shut up. Omi: Anou, Aya-kun... *blushes fiercely* Aya: *is draped over Omi in a very seductive way* Ken: O.O Brad and Farfie: Jan-ken-pon! *Brad throws rock, while Farfie throws scissors...into the ice* Farfie: Best out of three? Brad: Alright. Brad and Farf: Jan-ken-pon! *Brad throws paper, Farfie throws rock* Brad and Farf: Jan-ken-pon! *Brad throws scissors, while Farfie tosses an icepick past Brad's face* Brad: o_O you win. Nagi: *pops a piece of caramel bubble gum into his mouth* This isn't happening... I've just drunk one of Farfarello's 'happy shakes' again... Schushu: *skates past Brad, stopping next to him* those two have the right idea... *points to Aya and Omi* Ken: *wide-eyed* WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING???? Youji: Like you have room to talk... *winks at Ken* Ken: *Fumes and blushes beet red* Nagi: *Blows a rather large bubble with his gum just as Farfie skates by, popping the bubble* Nagi & Farfie: DAH!!! *stuck in the gum* Farfie: What the hell is this stuff made of, super glue?? *tries to squirm free to no avail* Rhole: Why don't you all stop fighting and....oh, I dunno...make out!? *silly drooling-fangirl grin* Brad: As if we were fighting to begin with... Schushu: *looks up from kissing Brad's chest* Exactly! *continues* Farfie: *looks at Nagi as he gets the "soft and sparkly" effect all of a sudden* *squirms* Did I ever tell you that you have the most beautiful eyes? Nagi: *turns white and squirms more* um...HELP... ~*Owari*~ Rhole: *blinks as she looks down at Aya and Omi* um...the fic's over now... o_o()