Michael Tuck's
Home Page

6th Grade Language Arts

Cape Fear Middle School

UPDATED JAN. 7, 2005

E-mail me

NEW! String Art Club!

Click to visit
my students' work!

Visit my Homework Hotline entry on the Pender County Schools home page!

Our Class Theme: Still I Rise
by Maya Angelou

November 2004:
Our Students Cast Their Votes!

Click to see the
AR All-Star Listings
for the 2nd 9 weeks!

Click to see the
1st Semester
A/B Honor Roll!

Click to see the
2nd 9 Weeks'
A/B Honor Roll!

Our students help
make Spirit Week
and the Food Drive
a success!

Click to link to hundreds of useful educational sites!

Arts and Music Resources

Educational Resources

Computing and Technology



Social Studies


Click to visit other CFMS sites!

Mr. Howington's Computers and Keyboarding Classes

Mr. Ward's Math 7 Classes

CFMS No Child Left Behind Page


Labeled with ICRA
A family-safe Web site


animated blue dividing line


Thanks for visiting my class. Check back frequently
for more information and updates!

And thanks to the folks below for supplying free graphics and
Java applets for our use!

Graphix by Snogirl   Java Boutique   NetCastle Graphics


animated blue dividing line


Click to support these causes. A single click can make a difference!

Hunger Site   Child Health Site   Animal Rescue Site   Rain Forest Site   Breast Cancer Research Site


The Last Page of the Internet.