
*Everwood still provides high numbers for the WB in it's second season. If you missed the latest episode of Everwood, you can see it again on the WB's Big Sunday at 6/5 Central.
Known to many critics as one of the best drama's currently airing, Everwood is a hit in it's sophmore season. The show follows Andy Brown and his family as they move to small town, Everwood, after his wife's untimely death. His son, Ephram and daughter, Delia work through troubled relationships and family conflicts in a new environment they never knew they could be a part of.
Everwood, currently in it's second season, heavily relies on characters to tell it's stories. The central plot involves Dr. Andy Brown, a famous New York surgeon who, after moving to Everwood, opens a free family practice. His son, Ephram goes to high school with his secret crush, Amy. But in an odd twist of fate, Amy turns out to be the daughter of Dr. Harold Brown, Andy's only competition. Dr. Brown's daughter, Deila is often babysat by either Madison, another one of Ephram's crushes or Nina, a good friend of the Brown family. Other members of the Everwood family include Bright, son of Dr. Abbot and Edna and Irv, Dr. Brown's mother and step father.
-Last Time on Everwood-
It's Thanksgiving in Everwood. Of course, that means nothing can go right. Dr. Brown catches Ephram with Madison and bans them from seeing each other which forces Madison to temporarily quit her job. Meanwhile,  Dr. Abbot finds out that Amy's new boyfriend was a convicted felon after he is invited over to Thanksgiving dinner. He successfully scares him off which causes Amy's mood to change once again. After much deliberation and Ephram talking him into it, Andy finally lets Ephram and Madison continue their relationship, but with severe caution, while Dr. Brown takes his own risks- with Linda. The next morning, Amy is nowhere to be found and the police file a report for a missing child...
TITV's Take-
Everwood constantly proves to be one of the best drama's on television. With captavating episodes and characters you truly care about, Everwood provides every drama- and comedy- fix you need for the week. The characters, and actors, play so well off of each other and the show proves to be daring and original, whether it be discussing teen pregnancy, or killing off one of it's core characters after just one season. The relationships between Ephram and Amy (and even Ephram and Madison) prove to be nothing short of pure wit and humour.  Everwood is every TV drama combined into one plus more. This is a hit!