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Are You Displeased?

By: McKinley Bradford

We are told that when the elders requested Samuel to give them a king, the thing displeased Samuel. There is no indication that he was displeased by the charges that had been raised against his sons. No doubt he recognized the charges were true. Even so, people often react against such criticism. Though some people know their children are at fault, they nonetheless are displeased when someone points out their faults. Samuel may have been hurt because the people were not satisfied with his arrangement; but more important, he was displeased because they asked something that was not in harmony with the will of God.

Does our displeasure stem from hurt pride or wounded feelings? Or from a conviction about the will of God? Are we more concerned about how people react to us than we are about how they react about God?

Are You Displeased?

By: McKinley Bradford

We are told that when the elders requested Samuel to give them a king, the thing displeased Samuel. There is no indication that he was displeased by the charges that had been raised against his sons. No doubt he recognized the charges were true. Even so, people often react against such criticism. Though some people know their children are at fault, they nonetheless are displeased when someone points out their faults. Samuel may have been hurt because the people were not satisfied with his arrangement; but more important, he was displeased because they asked something that was not in harmony with the will of God.

Does our displeasure stem from hurt pride or wounded feelings? Or from a conviction about the will of God? Are we more concerned about how people react to us than we are about how they react about God?


By: McKinley Bradford

They seem very pleasant. When I walk out on the street, they always have a smile for me. It's always hi, hello, or howdy-do Mr. Bradford. I'm on the side of the young people. When you're as old as I am, you've let go of your own ambition and you can listen. It's this middle-aged generation I don't understand.

I'm glad and am thanking God that all who wear long hair and short skirts are not hippies. I would thank our God more if many of our youth, which are not hippies, would not take on the hippies' customs and practices. Some boys and girls who are not hippies, will with an oath and very ugly language tell me that, "I am 18 (or 21) and I will do as I *%¢ please. You mind your affairs; I am big enough to manage my business." Thank God all young people are not that way. We have many good Christian young people. A song popular with many of our youth today ii; "I don't want to hear about the good old days". Young people resent hearing Dad and Mom say, "Now when I was a boy" or "When I was a girl". It is as if to say youth today don't do anything right. And when a parent says to a son or daughter, "If you had been through the Depression as we did", the response is likely to be (whether uttered or not) "So I didn't; that was ages ago".

Such an approach to youth only serves to turn them off. Does this mean that there is nothing from the past that is of value to the here and now? Any sane, sober thinking person, youth or adult, knows that this is not true. If it were, progress would be impossible; for every generation would have to start over from nothing. The problem arises when one's thinking is so warped that he believes everything new to be suspect, or vice versa. As a matter of fact, both the past and the present have their share of good and bad; and it is almost inevitable that the same will be true of the immediate future. Because of this, no better guideline could be given to any generation than the words of the apostle Paul in First Thessalonians 5:21: "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good".

So the middle-aged is what I can't understand much. But the middle-aged and older ones are reaping a lot of what we sowed. We spared the rod when good; nice talking would not take. There will be a woe upon any son or daughter, even if they are 18 or 21, who will tell Mom and Dad, "You can't tell me; I am my own boss. You go to Halifax," You may think because you are 18 or 21 that you are on your own and will never need God. Young man, young lady, you surely are not on your own at any time through life. You can tell Mom and Dad where to get on and off, but at no time through life are you on your own. Look, yes look, at our young boys and girls who are being shown every day and night just who is really their boss; getting killed in car wrecks and other ways, then facing that long eternity. I hear so many of our youth daring God every time they say, "I'm 21. No one or anything has any strings on me". They even tell Dad and Mom, "If you don't like my gate, don't swing on it". You are only a child at 18 or 21. Hear this and I'll close. It is with love and not hatred that I say this with the beloved Paul from Ephesians 6:1-3: "Children, obey your parents in the Lord; for this is right. Honor thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise. That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth".

Ephesians 6:4 has something to say to fathers: "Provoke not your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord" Many boys and girls have been brought up just that way and yet went down the wrong highway. But if we have warned them' their blood won't be on our hands. As of all days, there is only one way out and that is Jesus for both young and old. The President or Congress can't bring things normal and right; it takes the blood of Jesus Christ, no more-no less.

Israel Reacts According To Pattern

By: McKinley Bradford

(Judges 8:33-35)

The Israelites reacted according to their usual pattern. Gideon's exploits earned him the gratitude of the people, and for forty years they worshiped God. Then Gideon died and Israel returned to idolatry. The writer of Judges tells Israel's sad story in these few words: "As soon as Gideon was dead, the children of Israel turned again, and went a whoreing after Baalim, and made Baal-berith their God."


By: McKinley Bradford

It is said that the Devil was once crossing the Libyan Desert when he came upon a group of demons that were tempting a holy hermit. They had tried all the seductions of the flesh. They had sowed doubt and fear in his mind. They had told him that all his sacrifices meant nothing. It was all to no avail. They simply could not tempt the holy man. At this point, the Devil himself stepped forward. He said to the imps, "Your methods are entirely too crude. Permit me." Going up to the hermit, he said, "Have you heard the news? Your brother has been made Bishop of Alexandria." The fable then says, "A scowl of malignant jealousy clouded the serene face of the holy man."

Beware of jealousy! Leaving the first three letters out, it spells lousy. Jealousy is one of Satan's weapons.


By: McKinley Bradford

Jesus at a distance. A servant girl pointed him out as a follower of Jesus. He swore that he did not know him. Three times he swore; the cock crew. Peter went out and wept.

Jesus was brought before the Roman Governor' Pilate, and was accused of starting a revolt against Rome. That was exactly what he would not do; but the Romans were afraid of any disturbance and did not look too closely at what it was all about. Jesus was condemned and put to death upon a cross. In his pain he prayed for his tormentors, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do". Jesus was laid in a tomb. The disciples had fled, never expecting again to see the Master.

Among the disciples, it was Peter to whom Jesus first appeared; risen from the dead. Others also saw him. Some did not; but they too believed, partly because they trusted the word of those who had seen, and partly because they could see for themselves the risen Christ at work in the Church changing the lives of men and women, boys and girls.

Thank God our Christ is not dead. He arose from the grave and is reigning in every heart that will open its door when He knocks.

John Wesley's Last Letter

By: McKinley Bradford

N. B. - For upwards of eighty-six years (he probably meant sixty-eight) I have kept my accounts exactly. I will not attempt it any longer, being satisfied with the continual conviction that I save all I can and give all I can; that is, all I have.

On the same day that the diary ended, Wesley wrote his last letter to Williad Wilber force, already parliamentary leader for the abolition of slavery:

My Dear Sir - Unless the divine power has raised you up to be as Athanasius contramundum I see not how you can go through your glorious enterprise in opposing that execrable villainy, which is the scanda1 of religion, of England, and of human nature. Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, the opposition of men and devils will wear you out. But if God be for you, who can be against you? Are all of them together stronger than God? O be not weary of well doing! Go on in the name of God and in the power of His might, till even American slavery (the vilest that ever saw the sun) shall vanish away before it.

Reading this morning a tract wrote by a poor African, I was particularly struck by the circumstance, that a man, who has a black skin, being wronged or outraged by a white man, can have no redress; it being a law in all our Colonies that the oath of a black against a white goes for nothing. What villainy is this! That He who has guided you from your youth up may continue to strengthen you in this and all things is the prayer of, dear sir. You're affectionate servant John Wesley

Already the writer has recalled the words of his aged father: "Time has shaken me by the hand, and death is not far behind". On the next day after writing to Wilber Wesley was taken ill. He was tenderly cared for by friends, who watched his every movement and sought at once to gratify his wishes and to record all in their memory. On the day before he died, the old evangelist sat up and sang his version of Isaac Watts' hymn "I'll praise my Maker while I've breath". He gave careful directions about his affairs, particularly enjoining that he be buried, as the law directed, in woolen garments. On the same evening, after vainly trying to speak, he cried out "The best of all is, God is with us". During the night he repeated many times the first words of the hymn "I'll praise - I'll praise." At ten o'clock on the morning of Wednesday, March 2, 1791, Wesley died without a groan or a sigh.

Careful directions in his will provide there should be "No hearse, no coach, no escutcheon, no pomp, except the tears of them that loved me". Six pounds were left for six poor men who should carry him to the grave. His friends followed his directions as best their spirits would allow. After lying in state in the Chapel at City Road, hung with black at an expense which would have wounded the soul of its builder, the body was laid to rest. Six poor men carried him to the grave, and one of his preachers read the service with but one change in the ancient form when he came to the words of the committal "forasmuch as the spirit of our deceased brother". He paused and then read, "forasmuch as the spirit of our deceased father" in a voice scarcely heard above the sobs of the congregation.

- Copied from the Lord's Horseman

Living the Life

By: McKinley Bradford

The first duty in living the life is to prepare to pray - Daniel 9:3. Daniel was not only a praying man, but he was prepared to pray. He prepared himself by fasting and putting on sackcloth and ashes. Do you prepare by setting aside a certain time each day for earnest prayer?

Many prayers today may become shallow and mechanical because of our high-speed living. To some degree we may be like the busy man who hurried home and scribbled a hasty prayer on a piece of paper. He thumbtacks it on his bedpost; then as he pulled up the covers and turned out the light, he said, "Lord, them's my sentiments". Sometimes before our prayer line is open, we need to do some honest confessing Daniel 9:4-6. Daniel didn't attempt to vindicate himself or his people. In the language of today, he said, "We got what was coming to us". Thomas Brooks, a Puritan minister in England, once said, "If you would have God hear you when you pray, you must hear Him when He speaks. He stops His ears against the prayers of those who stop their ears against His laws". The apostle John wrote, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (John 1:9).

Then, we must expect mercy and not judgment - Daniel 9:18. A man stood before the judge of the court. The judge asked the convicted man if he had anything to say before justice is meted out. "Yes, Your Honor", the man said. "I'm not looking for justice. What I want is mercy." Daniel knew that his people did not merit any favor. His only hope was in the mercy of God. Paul tells us that "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23); but in Romans 6:23, he gives a ray of hope: "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord".

Do we expect an answer? - Daniel 9:17. Yes, Daniel expected an answer to his fervent prayer. I ask again, do we? One night a lady prayed that a brand new Cadillac would appear in her carport the next morning. When the sun arose the next morning, the lady rushed to the window and looked out on an empty carport. "Just as I expected!" she snorted. Jesus says, "And whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive" (Matthew 21:22). Certainly this does not mean that our belief can compel God to grant all our greedy demands. Rather, our belief will lead us to ask what is in accord with God's will.

Do we pray sincerely? - Daniel 9:18. God does not evaluate your prayers on their literary style. He neither measures the length nor computes the repetitions. But He does take note of our sincerity. "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" (James 5:16).

Do we pray humbly? - Daniel 9:17. Daniel didn't say, "Hear the prayer of the greatest preacher in Babylon". He humbly pleaded, "Hear the prayer of thy servant". D. L. Moody once told of a petition that was once circulated in London with the hope of influencing the House of Lords. The petition was intended to begin, "We humbly beseech"; but the scribe preparing the copy made a mistake and omitted the word humbly. The Lords quickly ruled that the petition was out of order. Daniel prayed specifically (Daniel 9:19) Daniel's prayer was right to the point - "for the city and the people". Daniel had a definite petition to present and he did it in a straightforward manner.

Daniel prayed regularly - Daniel 6:10. Daniel's life was a life of prayer. He found time three times a day to kneel in his room to give God his thanks and offer his petition to his Lord. Daniel had a place to pray his room; and a time to pray morning, noon, and night.

Henry Ward Beecher once said, "In the morning, prayer is the key that open up the treasure of God's mercies and blessings." Jesus said, "But thou, when thou prayeth, enter into they closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to they Father which is in secret: and the Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly" (Matthew 6:6)

How long has it been since your really prayed?

Spiritual Anarchy

By McKinley Bradford

Israel was guilty of anarchy, of rebellion against God. We read in Judges 21:25 - "In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did that which was right in his own eyes". Israel did not have a king; but she did have a law, and was obligated to keep it. For every man to do that which was right in his own eyes not only resulted in confusion, but also made each guilty of rebellion against Jehovah.

Christians have a standard for faith and conduct - the New Testament. Great confusion and division exists among God's people today because so many do that which is right in their own eyes; accepting the authority of men rather than the authority of God as set forth in His word.

To ignore His word and do that which is right in our own eyes makes us guilty of anarchy, of rebellion against God.

Sixty-four Cents

By: McKinley Bradford

Here is the frank and considered opinion of one of the world's leading specialists in church fund-raising: Sixty-four cents, about half the price of admission to a move, less that the cost of a pound of butter, one-fourth to one-half the price of a haircut, is the average weekly amount that people give to God.

Why do Christians in this land, where millions have so much, give so little to the Lord's work? Is it lack of generosity? Is it an effort to evade responsibility? Perhaps so in same cases. Also to be considered is the fact that people generally give on the wrong basis. They give to help the needs of the church; when the greatest need by far is their own, the need of the giver to giver The point that many people miss is that sacrificial giving is an opportunity for grace to be supplied to the giver.

God has a right to a definite part of your time; He has the power to take all of it! God has a right to a definite part of your money; He has the power to take all of it! God has a right to be glorified through your tongue; He has the power to take all of it! God has a right to be honored through your influence; He has the power to take all of it! God has a right to your life; He has the power to take all of it!

One doctor said if you fail to pay your tithes, I'll get them before the week is gone!


To Save The World

By: McKinley Bradford

"If the salt has lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted?" Matthew 5:13.

If America does not have the Christian faith and the moral stamina to lead in the salvation of the world, to what nation may we turn for hope? If the church fails in the present crises in America, whence can we expect help? If good Christians turn a cold shoulder, saying "Well, if America is going to hell, let it go", where can we find unyielding faith and courage to challenge rampant unbelief and immorality?

John was not seeking to save a nation for the sake of that nation only. Zacharias declared his son was sent to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death - Luke 1: 79. The aged Simeon in the temple hailed the Christ as "a light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of thy people Israel" Luke 2:32. John himself said, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the World" - John 1:29.

True Repentance

By: McKinley Bradford

"For Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of; but the sorrow of the world worketh death." - II Corinthians 7:10

True repentance is more than just a change of mind; it involves a change of life as well. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, said, "True repentance is to cease from sinning." Martin Luther expressed the same thought when he said; "To do so no more is the true repentance."

When the prodigal repented he did an about-face, saying, "I will arise and go to my father." (Luke 15:18, He had contrasted his filthy rags with the glories of his father's house and determined to return.

The English writer Bonnell Thornton said, "True repentance consists of the heart being broken for sin and broken from sin." The children of exile were brokenhearted people. Daniel, with a penitent heart, prayed for his people, "O Lord, hear, O Lord, forgive." The seventy years of captivity had harshly taught the people that God does not overlook sin and that punishment for sin is inevitable. The captives now had a change of heart. Can we accept the truth of true repentance? In Jonah 3:5, when the people of Nineveh accepted the truth, they immediately wanted to give an outward indication of the inward repentance in their hearts. They put on sackcloth.

A very notoriously wicked man attended a revival meeting and became converted. The next day he entered a religious bookstore. "I want the largest Bible you have." When the clerk seemed puzzled that he would want such a large Bible, he explained, "When I was a sinner, people saw me carrying beer down the street and they knew what kind of man I was. Now that I have become a Christian, I intend to carry a Bible down the street so that they will know what kind of man I have become." Do we know there are some works to repentance? Jonah 3:10 - "And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; God repented of the evil, that He had said that He would do unto them; and He did it not."

Little Mary was caught red-handed and red-faced. Just as her jaws were bulging with forbidden candy, her mother came home unexpectedly. "Mary, is that candy in your mouth?" Mary slowly nodded her head. "Hasn't Mother told you not to eat candy between meals?" Again she nodded in the affirmative. "Mary, are you sorry?" Once again the affirmative nod. "All right then, spit it out." Mary paused for a moment and then slowly and painfully her head began to wag from side to harder when people truly repent, there is visual evidence of repentance. Paul preached that man must do works worthy of repentance (Acts 26:20).

Jesus says, "I tell you, nay; but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." (Luke 13:3) Have you repented? If not, do so now.

When A Wicked Man Turns

By: McKinley Bradford

(Ezekiel 18:27)

A former "trigger man" of a New York gang is now in charge of a successful Christian rescue mission in a Southern city. He is a good example of a wicked man who turned away from his wickedness. He not only turned away sin, but he turned too. He turned from Satan; he turned to the Saviour.

Why can't or why won't we consider and live? (Ezekiel l8: 28) A clever little office motto reads, "Don't confuse me with facts, my mind is made up". This bit of barbed wit expresses an attitude found all too often in the religious realm. A man will spend days visiting all the automobile showrooms and examining the models carefully before buying a new car. Then, if you have time to listen, he will spend a long time telling you why it is "the best car on the road". But ask the same fellow about his church and he is likely to find himself groping for words. "My friend got me started." "The people are friendly." "It's the church nearest me." Consideration for the vital doctrines of the Bible do not seem to have entered his mind.

Now, who is judging whom? Ezekiel 18:29 "A cat can look at a king"; but the most intelligent feline in the world is not qualified to make a moral judgement concerning the integrity of the monarch. To the cat's credit, he doesn't try. Man is more sophisticated. He passes judgement not only on his fellow men, but on God as well. His egotism knows no bounds.

Sinful men need a new heart (Ezekiel 18:31) Suppose we say that Bill and Bob are brothers. They looked enough alike to be twins. They were handsome young men. Each was a total abstained and neither stayed out late at night. Both were regular in their work and always on time. But there was a big difference. The community loved Bill; it despised Bob. Bill was now a deacon in the local church; Bob was now serving time in prison for a vicious crime. Prison discipline forced Bob to be an abstainer and a regular workman. A new heart was the motivation in Bill's life. God gives a new heart too only those who want one.

Again, we say turn and live (Ezekiel 18: 32) When the mighty Mississippi goes on a rampage, residents of the lowlands are warned to get out. In other words, they are to turn from the river if they expect to live. From time to time, there are some that fail to heed the warning and are swept downstream to an unnecessary death. The warnings given in time and the escape route clearly explained, but the victims either reject or neglect the way of escape. They are much like those who turn deaf ears to the Lord's impassioned plea to turn and live.