Grades 3-5 Writing  Scores
Stage 1
Stage 3
Examples of the Writing Stages
Please note:
All words may not be spelled correctly, and correct punctuation may not always be used in order to retain the authenticity of how writing at that stage would look like.
A rainy day can be fun!  Let me tell you about a fun rainy day. 

First reason is, that when my friends come over my moms hose we go slide in the rain and play ninjas.  and it fills like your in a shower. 

Next reason is, If your parents doesn't allow your dog in the house well they could let the dog in on rainy days and you could lock your room.  And play in it with your dog. 

Third reason is if you are doing a exsperament about rain and then....
    Yes I know how to read in fact reading is my favorite subject.  I can read big book, little book to my reading buddies.  In the classroom we readed about 3 or 4 books the best one I like is Tales From a 4th Grade Nothing.  That one is real funny. 
     I love reading buddies.  I get to read to them for 30 minutes or less.  She can't read really hard book but she can read little books.  I love reading about adventure because it seems like your right there were it happening.  I just love fairy tales because always at the end everyone lives happy.  My favorite fairy tale is Ciderale because dreams can come true. 
     My reading buddies don't know how to read of course there only in Kindergarten.  But I will help them to read.  I will always love to read.  So why don't you grab a book and read, and read and read.  Just remember that you will always need to know how to read maybe for a job or for reading a cook book.  Just Read!
    One day I was with a friend we wher at PE.  And his sister needed a hat.  And his ast me if I want to go with him and I said yes.  I got intheruble for leving class.  And I wint to the office.  And I got and I got deatenchin for two days.  And that was my special day with a friend.
Stage 2