TURUMO  la nature, la vraie !




Caracas full map: TURUMO as near of PETARE at right 10 Km
Caracas full map: TURUMO as near of PETARE at right 10 Km
Parque nacional EL AVILA
The peak "El Avila" 2000 MTS the bigest NATIONAL PARK  to the North
Go to Josette: other photos
JOSETTE Plastic Artist in Art Pop in 2004 she is in El Cafetal >>Go JOSETTE at 1958 with childs

Josette in 1970 
                    front she's OAHU house at TURUMO
Josette in 1970 
                    front she's OAHU house at TURUMO Josette in 1970 front she's house: Villa OAHU in TURUMO

Where is TURUMO ?


I'm very happy to live in Turumo, CARACAS. Our city of 11 millions of habitants is a unic city of Latin america width down pollution  and she turns the back of the sea at 1000 meters of altitude,  a mixture of palms, trees, exuberant vegetation and urban plannings that contrast with a "Barrios" give him a very special spirit: perched on an impressionant strech valley of 8 to 12 KM by seventy  KM of long GUATIRE and LOS TEQUES extreme of The "Gran Caracas", we have interesting landscapes and wild places. Here is the tropics to the South of the Caribbean and CARACAS corresponds in the middle North of the Republic of Venezuela: his exception climate is of the has a graceful mixture of almost constant temperatures all the year: is not too hot, is not too cold: sometimes this is the freshness of the spring in season drys and when it is hot: the eternal summer is lessened by our era of rains. Venezuela is the country of  the dreamed place to find very big nature spaces really virgin, a mood and very modern infrastructures, a population welcoming and the magie that renders possible dreams it of an again possible life these days in authentic liberty. For a english speaking enraged one one of the bigger constraints is the official language of  Venezuela: "The castellano" or Spanish but the venezuelans will give themselves really evil to help you has to understand their language and has more better to live with them. Caracas valley finds has itself 900 M. at 1000 M.  altitude and framed between the Cordillera of the Costa: EL AVILA NATIONAL PARK  to the North, near the CUOTA MIL Avenue, between the city and the sea or the peak "El Avila" 2000 MTS., the "Naiguatá" 2.100 MTS. and the peak EL TORO 1900 altitude MTS dominate the hearts and the souls of the caraquegnes and quoted South and SudOuest the Cordillera del Interior has 1.500 MTS altitude or live has SAN ANTONIO DE LOS ALTOS, CARRIZAL and LOS TEQUES the caraquégnes of suburbs, the lovers of the freshness or formerly the Indian Caribbean person known as TEQUES one lost in a watch append their big boss GUAICAIPURO has the era of the  Spanish conquest. ERIC VIGOUROUX

Go to theSites of the granddaughter to JOSETTE: Miss EVA-CLAIRE VIGOUROUX SOSA >>CyberRanchoEva/Photos:"Tacarigua": one beach of Caracas  >>CyberRanchoEva&Eric/Photos:Caracas the City

Go to theSite of the son  to JOSETTE:  ERIC VIGOUROUX SUNER

Contact Josette >>


Josette SUÑER



Extraterrestres en el Avila 1975


 Pescadores en La Guaira 1971

 - PopArt1970 - Accueil  -  Index  -  Texte  -  Avila/Paresseux  -  Villa "Oahu"  -  La Terrasse  - La Terrasse2  - Visites Pepette Fleurs d'OahuLe cocotier La pick-up d' Eric   -  Josette1958  -  PopArt1970  -  PopArt2006  - L'arbre de papaye -  Josette-2004  -
Qui sommes nous?  - Turumo's people  - La voiture de Walter - Contact Eric  - Contact Josette - Les Chiens, la Morrocoya -

- Turumo - EvaClaire  -  ArquiERIC  - "Fiera" arrive(llega) a Turumo  -  École Caminito  -  Actu_Venezuela  - Amiral Ricardo Sosa RiosSoliloques de CyberRanch0 TableaudeSitesCyberRancho_1

Vigouroux-Suñer Family Villa"OAHU"1958
  Turumo's people1 

Other Sites: CyberRancho_1

  Other Sites: CyberRanch0

ArquiERIC House-desings of Eric

Eric Contact

