Hello people!  Tie Ur Shoe is no more!!!!!!!!!

I have new members in my band and tus is a gay name so i decided to change it.  we are now

the band is now:

me Dustin W.- Vocals, Guitar

     Brian V.- Bass, back up Vocals
    Dave G.- Drums

yea we havent been able to practice in a while cuz i have to get a new amp. and dont have the $350 i need for it right now.  but once i get it well be rawkin!! we are gonna play more of our own stuff w/ less covers and no more of blinks poppy stuff!!!!! sorry we played alot of their shit but hey there easy to play and we were just starting out. 

I will have a new website up soon and will give u alink soon!!
but mean while talk to me online or sumthin my aol screen name is


thanx, dustin.