Welcome to the the little rubber ninja page!
The story of little rubber ninjas!
A long time ago, little rubber ninjas flourished in their little capsules inside the vending machines, they would be bought for a quarter by someone, where they would be taken out and enjoyed with. Those were the good days. But then around  1997 (This story begins before that) Little Rubber Ninjas (LRN) began vanishing from vending machines. Those were horrible times, with only a small amount of vending machines with LRN 's in them. But, nowadays there is a new source for LRN! Gumballmall.com wher you can get 250 LRN for 24.25 US $(Plus shipping and tax)! WOW!
Little Rubber Ninjas information
Little rubber ninjas came at the price of a quarter, although there are also bigger rubber ninjas that came at the price of  one dollar. These ninjas came in the following colours : Blue, Black, Purple, Green, Dark yellow, Neon yellow , orange and a pink .(I've heard rumors of there being white, gray and I think there is also a red)*NEW*There are five new colours! Dark blue, glossy yellow, dark orange, glossy purple and teal green! There was also big ninja's that were a hard plastic and sold for 87 cents at my local Hallmark, but they weren't in vending machines ( My friend *Cough* Brandon *Cough* claims he got his from a vending machine, but, I didn't, so maybe)..(some say these ninjas were fake, but I don't think so , because I never saw any copyrights on the rubber ones either.) These ninja's came in these colours: Dark blue, Black, Dark green, Dark yellow, Red, Light gray and dark gray. The only possible fake LRN I ever saw, was an olive green one which was in an awkward position. Unfortunately, I lost this ninja so I won't be able to show anyone. Ninja's hold the following weapon combinations: Two Sais, Two Nunchuks, A Knife and a Shuriken, A Katana, A Grappling Hook with Knife in belt, Katana on back holding Shuriken in one hand and miniature Scythe in other Ninjas boots and cuffs are also different! Here are the different combinations : Shuriken, scythe katana = lined boots and cuffs. Grappling hook knife = lined boots and cuffs Katana =Xed boots lined cuffs Nunchuks = Xed boots and cuffs Sais = Lined boots and cuffs Knife and shuriken = webbed boots and cuffs.
Little Rubber Ninja Picture gallery!
Here is a picture showing all the different colours of Small Ninjas (LRN)I personally have, although I have a lot more Ninjas, these are just all the different ones I have.
And here are all my larger Ninjas! (BRN and BPN)
Make sure to check out this ninja page!!!!!
This is the card that came with my 253 LRN! It would be intended to be put in a vending (gumball)machine
The New little rubber ninjas (NLRN)
Full set whoo!
My current ninja count 344
Ninja christmas party!
My amazing Ninja-ring! I used to have two, but I lost the other one! *New* Recently I went to a vending machine (if you wish to know where, you may e-mail me, to find out) and within it they had more ninja rings! Check out the pictures!
These are some special Christmas Ninja Pictures. Check em out!
Ninja Tumbnails
(These pictures take you to much larger pictures. you've been warned) Tell me if you want larger pictures here, not the thumbnails
Here is photographical evidence that Ninjas can, and do, come from space. This one was found in my front yard. Check it out!
Ninjas from space!
Some more ninjas I got recently.
These aren't mine although I hope for them to be in the near future, but their cool, huh? The top ones are parachuters.
Or, in today's goddamn pc world "paratroopas" (a "holiday tree"? And a "candelabra"? I mean, you're catering towards the minorities, and then selling them out too? I mean, what do these overly-secular people celebrate? "Holiday"? Fuck). Granted I've had these for about two years, but, you know, the lazyness. Okay, so the Clear Poopa-Troopa Little Rubber Ninja (CPTLRN) were purchased at a dollar store in Calgary, for 35 cents (I couldn't get the alt code to work), or three for a dollar. I grabbed up a bunch of them, and got plenty more for Christmas. The owner said that only pink and purple were left, because boys took all the green and blue ones.As you can see, they have silver weapons, black nunchuks, painted faces (some, mishapen) and wihte prachutes with green colouring.And then, for the previously mentioned Christmas present,  all I got were green and blue. So, I now have a full set of blue, yellow and pink(oddly. And, no orange). As for the (Opaque) Poopa Troopa Little Rubber Ninjas, they are owned by a friend of mine. He got them from a catalogue of his mother's (which services novelties for schools, as she works at my old junior high) at a cost of ______ for ___. The only pained part of them is their faces- the weapons are the same colous as their bodies. Their parachutes are either blue, red, orange or aqua. These same ones (it appears) can be bought from ashlandcorp at this time, on this page http://www.bulkvend.com/new_page_134.html
And with that, I conclude the knowledge I have of my all the ninjas I own and am aware of. At some point, I may go on into ninja lore, and the hundreds of stories I've developed concerning such things...and, maybe some comics. But don't expect it, at least, not yet. Ja, mata ne!
"Monk and Strange Colour"-could be a new cop show....
Monk:"It appaears he raped her, stabbed her, and proceeded to hang her up by the very undergarments she had been wearin."
Strange Colour:"If I find this bastard, I'm gonna fuckin'-"
Monk:"SC, calm down. My mantras teach me that you must stay calm-"
Strange Colour:" Do your "mantras" say a goddamn thing about your wife being stabbed by some punk for her pocket change!"
Monk:"Jackie..I'm sorry man."
Strange Colour: "...don't worry about it."
Damn. Actually, I would just like to point out that this ninja's colour is signinificantly different from the other pinks. An orange? Or just a notable example of a frequent production error(i.e. the more greenish ones with the blues)? And I just liked that monk.
Here is my largely incomplete set of CPTLRN (and, unfortunately, the dollar store doesn't sell them anymore). The top blue one has no parachute, and the purple grappling hook has a rope, for a necklace (as sugessted by unsuave.com/ninja...except, I didn't have to put a screw into it's head, poopa-troopas have loops for their parachutes)...
... and here is my friends set of PTLRN, apparently incomplete (maybe I lost, while carrying 'em home, in the rain, after that night of Worms Armageddon for his birthday...that was actually a really fun night! Of course, the buddha-bellied bastard will probably yell at me for it). As you can see, six colours, the same as those of the NLRN, and paint is used for only their face.
And here are the pictures of their parachutes. As you can see, each pose is more or less represented. The first picture is a detached parachute of my own, while the other four are of those owned by my friend, still attached. I didn't want to rip 'em off, since the fuckers probably gonna be mad enough as it is (Y'know, since I'm probably gonna have to be paying him, I really shouldn't be swearing at him. Yeah, there'll he'll be reading this-"What! Damn right you'll pay! You'll pay through the ass!!!". Here, have some buddhas )