NEWS On the 26th of October, when geocities goes down, this site will disappear unless there are sizeable contributions. more
The Television
Transcript Project

Transcripts for curiosity and fun

Fiction Shows
The Larry Sanders Show
Late Night with Conan O'Brien
Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood
TV Commercials
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Banned Transcripts

TVTP 1000: Theory
Television transcripts are a resource for casually exploring America's world identity: the entertainer [shadetree mechanic is intrigued] I believe we used to be the automobile maker *. Years ago, shade tree mechanics were everywhere in the United States. And people discussed car makes, models, and years in everyday conversation. Now armchair television critics are everywhere in the United States instead. Our shade tree mechanics are largely extinct--many Americans don't even care what goes on under their car hood. Yet in both eras Americans were doing the same thing: exploring our world identity (one is aware of this identity on some level). Before: amateurs dissecting cars; today: amateurs dissecting video entertainment.
    We have always known that we don't have to be inactive or solemn to [the inner workings] explore our world identity. We know it's all very highly important, but we have fun with it! We joke about characters, discuss plots, criticize productions. Don't a large amount of friendly discussions start with "did you see your favorite TV show goes here last night?" Television transcripts are another way of casually "having a look under the hood" of video entertainment: reading a loved program (or a hated one), acting out scenes, re-writing parts of the dialogue, and re-arranging things!
[What an adorable transcript!] "But wait! There's more!"
Several more reasons transcripts are nifty

This fan site is for curiosity and fun and is not intended to infringe on any copyright nor to encourage such.

Counter started on 22 Oct 2000
Counter started on 22 Oct 2000