The Television Transcript Project : commercials
Agency: Ally & Gargano, Inc., New York
Copy by: Patrick Kelly
First Appearance: 8 June 1980
Narrator: Simon Oakland
Creative Director: Amil Gargano
Shipping Company

Copy from: The Clio Awards Part I: A Tribute to 30 Years of Advertising Excellence 1960-1989, Clio Enterprises, Inc., pgs. 134-5. The company name is changed here.
Visual description by: Suzanne Morine.

[Interior, day. Medium straight-on shot of an OFFICE WORKER, in suit, tie, and glasses, looks up from his paper in dull shock.]

It's coming. It's taking over in offices coast to coast. It's the paper blob.

[The office hallway - a giant pile of paper is slowly, smoothly coming toward the camera.]

[ANOTHER OFFICE WORKER, in dull shock peering from around a corner, a flying piece of paper attaches itself to his forehead. MUSIC is loud.]

It's packed with important papers that should move out of your office fast but can't get loose.

[Nice music during close-up of flat Shipping Company box on a clean office desk, a hand pulling something out.]

[Medium shot of the giant pile of papers, a MIDDLE-AGED OFFICE WORKER has been caught on the front of it like he's just another sheet of paper, his mouth agape as he travels on it.]

This is a job for Shipping Company. For as little as nineteen dollars we'll pick up your important papers and deliver them clear across the country overnight. So you'll never have to worry about the paper blob again. Shipping Company, when it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.

[Picture has switched to exterior, early morning. Long shot of Shipping Company airplane on the expansive airport pavement, and a Shipping Company truck waiting by it, the sun right behind the plane. White text superimposed in center of screen under plane and truck: "When it absolutely, positively/has to be there overnight." Small text superimposed at bottom of screen says, "Services subject to current Shipping Company Service Guide."]

[time: 01:30]

Related shipping company commercials:
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Last Updated: 30 Oct 1998

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