The Purpose of the Tennessee Walking Horse Association of New Jersey is to promote the enjoyment of the lite shod
Tennessee Walking Horse in its natural way of going, either on the trail, in the field, or in the show ring. TWHANJ will
promote the humane treatment of horses, good sportsmanship, and camaraderie among Walking Horse enthusiasts. It will
provide education for its members as well as the general public, and will promote the Pleasure Tennessee Walking Horse
at every opportunity. Membership is open to anyone who is interested in furthering the purpose of this organization, and
willing to be exclusive in their promotion of the natural horse that is shown, trained and used barefoot, keg, or lite-shod.
Great strength and stamina, quiet disposition and aptitude for the running walk, and the distinctive, incomparable "way of
going" that sets the Tennessee Walking Horse apart from other breeds in the horse world.