1/03/04 - OH MY GAWD ><! My sister is a freakin' retard... She's playing the DDR game I got for christmas, and IF she hits the right one, it's already seven or eight steps late. ON BEGINNER FUCKING TRAINING MODE!! Holy shit.... I never thought ANYONE could be that uncoordinated.... I don't care if she's only four, if she actually looked at the television, she might be able to figure it out. Stupid people, oiy...... I just had this 'cleaning party' Where two of my friends came over, we cleaned my entire filthy pigsty of a house, and they spent the night (we played DDR and Drank pop ALL NIGHT LONG... You should have seen how Wired I was... it was bad, I still think I've got a pop hangover....o_O). We woke up in the morning and continued cleaning, and then I they went home. Fucking fun though. Anyways, I'm not sure what I'm updating, so go check every thing for Shinigami's sake. I mean, come on, if you have enough fucking time to actually bother checking to see my web page, then you obviously have alot of boredom time on your hands, so just go, now, look. Bitch, I said go. *glare*
Mother, looking at me
Tell me, what do you see?
Yes, ?I lost my mind

Medi, lookng at me
Will I, ever be free?
Have I, Crossed the line?

1/31/04 - Sorry, I found another song I really really likey. It's by T.A.T.U.....


Go check. I'm sure I'm going to update something on here.... somewhere... Anyways yeah. ^.^ See ya! Ciao!
10-13-04 - o_____O It's been almost ten freaking months since I've even set foot upon this poor wretched site... *clears cobwebs and kicks Aragog and Shilob out* This place has gone to the Spiders! Literally! Well, yeah, anyways, I'm gonna go around, fix some stuffsess and I probably won't even come back here to tell you what I fixed. Just be happy that I am fixing it. ^_^ Toodles!