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Documents from:
The Probate and Guardianship
Records of Benajah Warren,
My 3-G-Grandfather
My G-Grandfather's Attic -Home
Receipt signed by Isaac Garrett, my 2-g-grandfather, for $5.50 for
Rent of Cotton Gin, from estate of Benajah Warren

   This will certify that I resign my right of acting as administratrix on the estate of Benajah
Warren, dec'd. to my son, Josiah Warren.
    I signed this 23 January 1835.
                                Ferriba Warren

The following is the valuation of the goods and chattel of the estate of Benajah Warren.

One Negro Woman, Lucy, worth $600
One child, Sarah, worth $100
One Negro boy, Harry, worth $200
One Bay horse worth $ 50
One Sorrell horse worth $75
One Sorrel mare worth $60
One Sorrel colt worth $35
One wagon worth $
Two yoke of oxen worth $55 each, $110
Three axe chains worth $6
One axe yoke ring and staple worth $5
Five cows and calves worth $10 each, worth $50
Six head of stock cattle worth $4 each, $24
Three hundred bushels of corn worth 5 cents per bushel
One lot of fodder worth $20
Seven bells worth $7
Two barrels of seed oats worth $2
One cutting base worth $7
Two iron wedges worth $7
One broad axe worth $7
Four club axes worth $4
One pair of ___ worth $4
Three saddles worth $7each, worth $21
Four sides of leather worth $8
One lot of carpenter's tools worth $15
Five bee hives worth $5
Four head of sheep worth $8
Potato plantings worth $10
Twenty-seven head of hogs worth $27
Two grubbing hoes worth $2
One gun and aparatus worth $8
One clock worth $25
Two ___ worth $75
One ___ worth $3
Eight chairs worth 50 cents each, worth $4
Two tables worth $5
One saddle bag worth ___
Five beds and furniture worth $740
One set of shoemaker's tools worth ___
Three brushes worth $25
One ___ worth $50
One lot of crockeryware worth $4
Two smoothing irons worth 50 cents
Two candlesticks worth 37 cents
One lot of books worth $20
One lot of bottles and vials worth $1
One pair raisors worth $1
One lot of knives and spoons worth $1.50
Five head of geese worth 50 cents each, worth $2.50

Whole amount                                                              $2,078.12

We the undersigned appraisers of the estate of Benajah Warren, decd., do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true accounting and valuation of the goods, chattles and personal items of said deceased to the best of our knowlege.
                                               Given under our hands this 30th January 1835
                                                                                          Neill Buie
                                                                                          William Patterson
                                                                                          Robert Prather
State of Mississippi
Jefferson County
  To the Honourable Probate Court of Jefferson County,
   We the undersigned do hereby certify that in our opinion it will be advantageous to the heirs of the estate of Benajah Warren, dec'd. to have the residue of the land sold after the widow's dower is laid off.  Should it please the court to grant the same.
                                                  Given under our hands this 24th day December 1840
                                                                                          Neill Buie
                                                                                          Peter McLaurin
                                                                                          Norman Gillis
                                                                                          Malcom McPherson
                                                                                          James McDonald
  Received of my mother, Ferriby Warren, and my guardian the sum of $308.63 being balance in my favor due from her and my said guardian as shown by the records in the office of the Clerk of Probate Court of Jefferson County, State of Mississippi and do hereby acquit her of all further responsibility in accountability for that or any other sum that may be due me from this and my said guardian and do hereby authorize the Probate afore said to _____ on file as afadavite showing said balance as the final account of my said guardian.
                                                                                             Benajah Warren, Jr.
February 2 A. D. 1850
I hereby certify that Benajah Warren signed the above receipt in my presence this 2nd day February 1850.
                                                                                             James McDonald
July 6, 1837, The Estate of B. Warren, dec'd. to the B. Society

One bottle rheumatic linement, $1.87
Two bottles for cholera ___, $1.00
One bottle for headache, 50 cents
One bottle for nervous affliction, $1.00
One bottle ____, 37 cents
One bottle for toothache, 28 cents
Total                                           $5.00
Received cash, $5.00
       Thomas Havertres (?)
  Received three hundred eight dollars from Josiah Warren, admin. of the estate of B. Warren, deceased, in part payment of a legacy from said estate.
                                                    C. C. Warren, ___ 1842
The following is a true account of all moneys received due the estate of Benajah Warren, dec'd.,by Josiah Warren, Adm.
Received of John Erwin, $2.56
Received of John Fairchild, $22.90
Received according to the wills of Charles and Rachel Culpepper, dec'd., of Eli Warren, Executor, thereto as a legacy due Benajah Warren, dec'd., $80.00
Received Asa Scarborough, $5.00
Received of John Weatherby, $8.00            
The following is a true account of sale made of the crop of cotton of the year 1835, $583.45

One lot of chairs sold to Mrs. Warren, $2.00
Six chairs to Mrs. Warren, $2.00
One clock to Mrs. Warren, $6.00
One table to Mrs. Warren, $1.00
One Bible and History of ___ to C. C. Warren, $2.60
One lot of books to Joshua [?] Cobb, $1.12
One lot of books to Mrs. Warren, $3.00
Thompson Practice to Josiah Warren, 50 cents
Two music books to Josiah Warren, 75 cents
One writing desk to Mrs. Warren, $1.50
One set razors to Josiah Warren, $1.50
One looking glass to Mrs. Warren, 60 cents
One lot crockery to Mrs. Warren, $2.50
Three smoothing irons to Mrs. Warren, $1.12
One pair andirons to Mrs. Warren, $1.00
One bedstand, bed and covering to Mrs. Warren, $12.00
One bedstead, bed and covering to Mrs. Warren, 18.00
One bed and covering to D. Warren, $25.00
One bedstead, bed and covering to D. Warren, $21.00
One chest to Mrs. Warren, $2.00
One bedstead, bed and covering to Mrs. Warren, $5.00
One bedstead, bed and covering to Josiah Warren, $21.00
One ___ to Mrs. Warren,
One gun and shot pouch to Mrs. Warren, $1.50
One saddle and blanket to Mrs. Warren, $12.00
One ___ and blanket to Mrs. Warren, $12.00
One saddle to C. C. Warren, $2.00
One ___ plough to Isaac Garrett, $2.00
One plough and ___ to Isaac Gaarrett
One plough to Mrs. Warren, ___
One plough to Barney [?] Croft, ___
One set blacksmith's tools to A. Buckles, ___
One lot carpenter's tools to Mrs. Warren, ___
Two ___ wedges to Mrs. Warren, ___
One lot ___ to A. Buckles
One axe and wedge to D. Warren, $1.85
Two bells to Mrs. Warren, 25 cents
One ___ handled knife to P. Farley, 75 cents
One ___ to Mrs. Warren, 60 cents
One broad axe to Josiah Warren, $2.00
Two grubbing hoes to Mrs. Warren, 87 cents
Two axes and hoes to Mrs. Warren, 75 cents
One pot and hooks to Mrs. Warren, $3.00
One lot potware to Mrs. Warren, $4.00
One ___ to Joshua Cobb, $2.75
One cow and yearling to Mrs. Warren, $26.50
One cutting board and knife to Josiah Warren, $1.00
One wagon and bale frame to D. Warren, $81.00
One ___ chickens to ___ Torrey, $3.00
Two ___ guns to Mrs. Warren, $2.00
Three ___ guns to M. Galbreath, $7.00
One black sow to A. H. Buckles, $20.65
One sow and five pigs to D. Warren, $8.00
Lucy and children, Allen and ___ to A. H. Buckles, $1,056.00
One boy, Harry to D. Warren, $208.00
One girl, Sarah to A. H. Buckles, $600.00
Twenty-two hogs to Mrs. Warren, $15.00
Three hogs to Isaac Garrett, $18.00
Five hogs to Isaac Garrett, $70.00
Seven sows and twenty-one pigs to Lewis Cato, $29.50
Two sows and boar to E. Buckley, $11.50
One sow, pigs and ___ to Lewis Cato, $5.50
One black cow and yearling to C. C. Warren, $25.00
One sotted cow to F. McIntyre, $9.00
Six sheep to R. H. Buckles, $12.00
One candlestick to Mrs. Warren, 60 cents
Two pitchers to Mrs. Warren, $1.25
One water bucket to Mrs. Warren, ___
One slate to Mrs. Warren, 45 cents
Two sheep to M. Buie, $5.00
One milk bowl to Mrs. Warren, 20 cents