Lists of Debtors to Monsanto and Company
Natchez, Mississippi Territory,1794
As they appear in the Natchez Court Records, including spelling of names.  They are not in alphabetical order.  If'd you like to look for a name, click on 'Edit' on your Navigator Bar, then on 'Find on this Page.'
Natchez, 10 October, 1794

Death of Benjamin Monsanto, planter, took place at New Orleans.  Property placed in care and charge of Mr. James McIntosh, until some person properly authorized shall appear to whom same may be delivered. Inventory to be made by Don Joseph Vidal and Don Antonio Cruzat.  At plantation of Benjamin Monsanto, 3 miles from Post, Mrs. Marie Williams was there; said she had been left in charge of plantation, etc., by Monsanto and his wife when they went to New Orleans.  Inventory: 500 arpents on St. Catherine's Creek, b. by David Williams, decd., and Don Juan Rodriguez, where Monsanto resided.  Benjamin Monsanto's will: debts to be paid; $2500 milled coin to be paid to beloved wife immediately, being the sum she brought me in marriage, as will appear by our marriage contract deposited in Perdonn's office, the first year after the fire at New Orleans; negro boy "Hazard" does by right belong to my wife, he being her sole property and paid for with money of her own saving.  If it embarrasses my brother to pay wife, he is to give good and undoubted security for same, and pay her regularly interest on same for maintenance; household goods belong to wife; one half of the residue to my beloved wife and one half to my brother.  Wife and brother and friends, Bernard Lintot, Wm. Dunbar and David Williams, exrs. 25 January 1792.  Wit: Jane Rapalje, Elizabeth Whittle, Eliza Watts, William (X) Thompson, William Bacon, Daniel Strickland, Samuel Flower and Stephen Mayes.  Proved by witnesses and recorded, 5 November 1794.
List of debts owing Messrs. Monsanto and Company:

Alston, William
Abrams, Robert
Alexander, Isaac
Bingaman, Christian, Sr.
Beingaman, Christian, Jr.
William Brocus
William Barland
Jeremiah Bryan
Wm. Bonner
Joseph Bonner
Banjamin Belk
John Baker
John and Daniel Burnet
Francis Brezini
Sutton Banks
John Boles
James Cole, Sr.
John Cole
Charles Carter
Job and Richard Cory
Wm. and John Coleman
George Cochran
Jesse Carter
Jacob Shilling
John Staybraker
Thomas Smiley
John Sweazey
Nathaniel Tomlinson
Moses Armstrong
William Cooper
Henry Cooper
William West
Walker and Henderson
Joel Weed
Robert Weathers
John Wiley
John Calvit
William Curtis
John Carroll
William Crane
William Calvit
Jacob Cobun
Nemehiah Carter
Arthur Cobb
Daniel Chambers
Charles Cason
Robert Carter
George Cook
David Smith
Wm. Benj. Smith
James Kelly
Wm. Kirkwood
Richard King
Caleb King
Justus King
Phillip Turpin
Bennet Truly
Isaac Tabor
James Truly
Mathew White
Cato West
Wm. Murray
Henry Manadue
Alex. McRay
Matthew McCulloch
Wm. Liles
Melling Wood
Jesse Hamilton
Joel Byrd
Thomas Burling
Richard Bacon
James Glascock
Danile Calaghan
Abner Green
Samuel Gibson
John Birault
Randal Gibson
Samuel Heady
Widow Wm. Henderson
David Mitchell
Thomas Hubbard
Joseph Holmes
John Hartley
Jeptha Higdon
James Hayes
Dibdal Holt
Alex. Henderson
Isaac Johnson
Thomas Jordan
Jonas Ilor
Nathan Swazey
Mathew Jones
Madame Livandeau
Richard Roddy
Wm. Wilson
James Harman for Proctor
Samuel Cooper
Madame Charbonet
Mr. Villeret
John Lum
William Lee
John Lusk
David Lambert
]David Gleeson
Thomas Green
Robert Weathers
Richard Harrison
Jonathan Parker
John McFarland
Abram Mayes
Stephen Mayes
Roswell Mygatt
Joseph Miller
James Nicholson
Henry Nicholson
Peter Nelson
William Owens
Samuel and Harry Phips
Barnabas and Daniel Perry
Frances Province
Mr. Row
Cader Raby
Daniel Rainer
Thomas Reed
Archibald Rhea
Israel and Phil. Smith
Francis Spain
Ebbenezer Smith
Ebenezer Dayton
Thomas Daroch
Richard Dunn
John Ellis
William Erwin
Thomas Essex
Richard Ellis
Hardy Ellis
James Elliott
Joseph Flowers
James Fordric
Isaac Fyffe
John Odam
John Foster
Wm. Ferguson
Thomas Freeman
Ignacio Babin
Joseph Hooter
