<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/twincousin2334/mistonthemountain.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Stewartsville Cemetery and
McCormick Cemetery
Scotland County, North Carolina
A Plea for Our Old Graveyards

Beneath the roots of tangled weeds, afar in country graveyards,
Lie the ones whose uncrowned heads have stamped this nation's destiny.
Beneath those tottering slabs of stone, whose tribute moss and mold efface,
Sleeps the calm dust that made us great, the true sub-stratum of our race.
-- Sara John English
Left to right:  Headstones of Christian McCormick,
Dougald McCormick, and my 3-g-grandparents,
Katherine Carmichael McCormick, Duncan McCormick
Stewartsville Cemetery
A memorial stone in the McCormick Cemetery, dedicated to my 3-g-grandparents.  It reads:
"Dedicated to the memory of Duncan McCormick
and wife, Katherine Carmichael, immigrated from
Appin, Argyll, Scotland in 1791, buried in
Stewartsville Cemetery"
Entrance to McCormick Cemetery
Grave of Archibald C. and Jeanette McKinnon McCormick;
Archibald was a son of Duncan and Katherine McCormick
McCormick Cemetery
Grave of Daniel McCormick, grandson of
Duncan and Katherine McCormick
McCormick Cemetery
Music:  Mist on the Mountain