Mom's Memory Book
Page Two

Dear Florelle,
   As I write these few lines, I think of the girl who is always smiling or laughing.  You never seem to be blue.  May you smile your way to success and happiness, is the wish of a friend,
                                            Alton Wilkinson    


My dearest Florelle,
   Now the time is drawing nigh for us to part, perhaps never to meet again.  Although I hope that's not true.  Florelle, I have only known you for two months, but you have proven to be a mighty nice sweet girl.  I can never forget your sweet and loving disposition.
   Florelle, I think it is needless for me to tell you to remember the many "Latin" lessons we have had together and the many times we have had to stay in.  When you get to teaching, don't get too big headed and forget me.   Always remember me as your true friend and write to me.
                                           Just.....Mary Buie, Eddiceton, MS


Dear "Little Nancy,"
   I reckon I would call it a good chance to get to write in your memory book because you are a Senior and I, a fool-headed Freshman.  Though I have only known you a few months, I have learned to like you as a friend and schoolmate.  When you and Tew settle down in your humble cottage and you need something to think of just get out your memory book and read through it.   Remember me as a schoolmate and friend.
   In whatever you do, I wish you success.  Please treat Tew as he should be treated. 
                                      And remember just          
                                                "Possum" J. Futch, Brookhaven, MS; 310 Curran Avenue

My dear Florelle,
   Of course, I shall always remember you and love you because you are so lovable.  I think of you best as you are in your home --- so kind and thoughtful of your dear mother and father, and I am sure that "your days will be long upon the earth."
   Remember always that I love you.  I am sure you realize that Longfellow was correct in saying:
                   "We may build more splendid habitations,
                     fill our rooms with paintings and with sculptures,
                     but we cannot buy with gold the old associations."
                                     With love and every good wish for your future,
                                                 Mrs. R. Bennett
C. M. W.

My dearest Florelle,
   I will always rejoice that I came to Meadville, if for no other reason than because I know
you.  We have had some good times together last summer when we went to town every day together.  Also, while packing tomatoes, remember how we would slip off and get a "cola."  I never will forget the morning I came by for you and you were all alone sick in bed.  I mean I sure did hate to leave you alone.
   Always remember the 1st day of April, I mean we had some fun.
   I hope you live a long life, marry "Lorelle" and have plenty of "chillun" and grandsons and daughters. 
   I wish you success in everything you try to do.  Always remember me as one of your truest friends.
                                     Lots of love and best wishes,
                                                  Always, C. M. W.

My dearest Florelle,
   Just what I want to put in your memory book is impossible.  But, anyway, I'll put something.  This session that we have been Seniors together has been one of joy for me.  I have found so many good friends and everyone has been so nice to me.  When you are thinking of your classmates, won't you please think of me --- one who loves you?
   I'm sure you will never forget our Education class, even if you forget the other classes that we have been in together.
                                   I love you lots and lots, write to me,
                                                 Sara Lou Andrews, Kokomo, MS

Dear Florelle,
   It is quite a pleasure for me to write these few words for you to remember me by.
   Florelle, I have had the honor of being a classmate of yours for two years and I have learned to love you as a classmate and friend, and what every your choice of work your life's vocation may be, if it is an old maid school teacher or cooking for "Tew," I wish you the most of success and happiness.
                                       A friend always,
                                                 Archie Hemphill, Buell, MS

Dear Florelle,
   I feel it quite an honor to write a few words in your memory book as you are almost ready to bid this old FCAHS farewell.  It has been two years of pleasure to me to be here with you and I shall always remember you by your lively ways.
   Well, Florelle, I sure hope as you go out into life, that wherever you may go or whatever you may do will be a great pleasure and you will make a success in your future life.  However you may choose boiling water for "Tew," but perhaps that will be a pleasure, too.
   Here's hoping you will not have to read these few lines to remember me.
                                       Love and best wishes,
                                                 Florence Moak, Meadville, MS; Route 3

Dear Florelle,
   I have known you only a short while, but I know I shall never forget you, even if I never see you again.
   I will never forget some of the good times we have had at "ole AHS."  For one thing, the night that the school house burned and how we had to work in the kitchen that week.
   When you and ___ get married, think of me sometimes.  I hope you two much success.
   Don't ever forget Aril 1st.  I shall never forget it.
   Florelle, I will always be your own friend and I hope you will be mine.  It is a sad thing to know that you all (seniors) will soon part from us.
                       "When you get married and your husband gets cross,
                         get the broom and show him who is boss."
                                        Your own friend,
                                                  Roberta Stuart, Roxie, MS   Write me sometimes

Dear Florelle,
   This page of blue I chose to write to you, my Nancy.
   Is it possible that you shall ever forget me?  I think not, because, Florelle, I think you will always remember the "craziest" one in class.
   Let me quote just one verse of "The Builders" and I'll bid you farewell.
                        "Nothing useless is, or low; each thing in its place is best;
                         and what seems but idle show strengthens and supports the rest."
   Remember, I'm wishing you a life of happiness and success.
                                      A true friend and classmate --- I love you,
                                                  Bonnie, Meadville, MS

Florelle, my dear,
   I do hate to put this in here so you will remember me.  Say, can't you remember me some other way?  I have known you two years and in that short time I have learned to love you.
   Do not ever forget the Back Porch girls, we have had some nice times together.  You must always remember me for you know I helped you get a ___ the first school you ever taught.  I hope you will fill the place as well as I told the Trustees you would do.  Ha!
   Dearest, after the school building has burned, I cannot think of much to write, it scared me so much.  I am writing in your book just after the building burned.  I shall always remember that scare.
   Florelle, I know you sweetest thought will be for R. T. but please think of me some time, won't you?  What ever you may choose as your life's work, I wish you success.  You have determination and I believe you will reach the goal you wish to attain.  You have here, this year.  I hope you will have a pleasant vacation.
                                                Mildred Cain, McCall Creek, MS

My dear Florelle,
   I cannot think of anything that is as sad a pleasure as putting these few words of memory down for you to read when you have chosen your life's vocation.  But we have to part with our dearest friends some time.  And as you go out in life to battle your own canal, may you ever gain friends as you have at AHS.
                                         Lots of love, I am your friend always,
                                                Birdie, Meadville, MS

Dearest Florelle,
   Well, always remember "the crazy one" who roomed next to you when you were a Senior.  Now you know I would love to be a little mouse some day and steal around somewhere when you were not expecting anyone around and find out how  much "Tew" loves you.  I hope that the days shall bring you joy and peace.  I shall always remember you.  Now, as the time is drawing nearer each day for us to part, I hope you will never forget me.  When you want to laugh and have nothing else to do, just turn over a few pages in this book until you come to "this" which you cannot read. 
   May the sun always shine bright in your home.
                                                 Maisie Parsons, Lucien, MS

Florelle, Sugar (or "Tew")
   Oh! what can I say for you to remember me by.  I know it will be impossible for me to ever try to tell how much I have learned to love you this year.  I know I'll miss you so much next year.  Bt wherever you may be, I want you to thin of that "good" mean little ole Sis.
   Remember the first day of April and all the pictures we had made, what we said we were going to do with them.  Ha!
   Florelle, I hope you will be a success in whatever you undertake in life and always remember the little "mean" girl who loves you still.  Remember how Dell and I have teased you about Tew.
                                             Claude D., Roxie, MS   Write me some time.

Dearest Nancy,
   I have known you almost all of your school career, and if there is a harder and more earnest worker in the Senior class, I cannot say who it is.  Do you remember how hard you used to try to stay ahead of me in spelling class?
   When you and I are separated at the close of school, may it not be an end to our warm friendship.
                                     Always remember your dearest friend,
                                              "Bruno"    Meadville, MS

Dear Florelle,
   You said I was the only Senior boy that hadn't written in your book of memories.  But if you will remember me like you have "ole" Tew, I think it won't be much use of writing in here.  But I have enjoyed being in the class with you these four years.  For you have helped to make our class what it is today.  You will be teaching near home next winter, and I hope you will like that part of the country better than any other place you have ever seen.  We will depart from each other forever as classmates, but hope we will see each other very often in the future.
   Florelle, I admire the spirit in which you attack your school work, especially those algebra problems.  Hoping some day to see you and Tew with a lovely home.
                                    Your best friend and the one who wishes you much success,
                                                 Hubert Laird,  Little Springs, MS 

Nancy Dear,
   I now take great pleasure to pen these few words of memories in your little book.  But I regret very much to bid you farewell from the old FCAHS, never to come again.  Nancy, I have known you for three years and I have learned to love you and have you numbered as one of my best friends.
   Remember how you used to have to make "me" let your little "Tew" alone. 
   Nancy, whatever you choose for life's vocation, I wish you much success.
   Remember I love you.
                                                  Just .....ole Delle, Meadville, MS

Dear Florelle,
   It is a pleasure indeed to be able to write in one of the sweetest girl's book in school.  We have been pals for a long, long time and I will never forget the many times we have had together.  Remember that Sunday Evening we primped so to see a gentleman and then didn't get to see him?
   Florelle, the time is drawing near when we must part, but I hope not forever.  I hope that when you and "Tew" get married, you will give me a thought once in awhile.  If there's a girl in the Senior Class who will make a success, it is you.  And maybe I will get to visit you when you are woman Governor.  HaHa.
   I wish you much success and happiness in life.
                                     A true friend,
                                                Lillia n C. "Diddie"

Dearest Florelle,
   May, the eleventh.  Oh, the day you will leave the AHS with honors.  You go forth into the world to fight your own battles.  May you be successful and happy.  I shall always remember you as one I love and who has been such a dear friend to me.
   My the good times we have had together.  Do not ever forget one certain Saturday night and especially one Sunday night at church in Bude.  Oh, such pleasant memories.
                                     Always remember one who loves you,
                                                 Mary A. Cammack

My dear Florelle,
   Please remember me as one who is wishing for you the very best that life has to give.
                                      Fondest love,
                                                  Bessie Trunzler, "Matron"

My dear Florelle,
   It has been a pleasure to be with you in your last year in high school.  Florelle, I don't know what your vocation is going to be, but whatever, remember there is a Freshman wishing you and (Tew) much success and happiness.
                                                  Norvell Reardon
My mother is seated on the front row, fifth from left.
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