Records of Union Church Presbyterian Church, Jefferson County, MS Unfortunately, there is no readable date on this page. A Partial list of Communicants |
These names are not in alphabetical order. Where the name was difficult to read, I've placed a question mark. To find a name quickly on this page, click on CTRL F. |
BLACK: Malcolm; Kenneth; Mary; Uriah; Margaret; Doffey; Duncan; Elisabeth F.; Sarah; Catherine; several first names are listed which are not readable. BLUE: Daniel; Duncan; Sarah; Anney; Catherine; Lydia; Neill; Eliza; Elisabeth Mary; Effey Mary; John; Elisabeth CAMPBELL: John; Nancy; Cathrine; Mary CURRY: Lauchlin; Nancy; Sarah; Archibald; Neill; John; Cathrine; Mary; Isabella; Florah; Elisabeth; Angus McDONALD: Angus; Archibald; Nancy; Sarah; Dugal; Neill; Cathrine; Mary; Allen; Nelley; Daniel; Alexander; John; Margaret; Duncan; William; Sarah J.; Florah; Jean; Florah; Margaret GRAHAM: Daniel; Margaret; Neill; Duncan and wife McLEOD: Florah; Nancy; Alexander; Christian; Mary; Neill; Marcy; John; Sarah McNEILL: Nancy; Malcom CAMERON: Cathrine; Margaret; Christian KELLY: Daniel; Jean; Catherine; Haney; Evander; Mary; Peter: Alexander; Duncan McDUGALD: John; Archibald; Mary; Margaret SINCLAIR: Margaret; Mary; Isabella McINTOSH: Mary; Margaret McCALLUM: Florah; Daniel; Malcom; John; Christian; Margaret McNEILL: Malcom; Nancy; Eliza GILCHRIST: Charles and wife; Alexander McMILLEN: Daniel; Christian; Nancy; Neill; Mary; Mary Ann; Margaret McKENZIE: Nancy; Alexander; Margaret McKINNON: Daniel; Cathrine McLAUCHLIN: Isabella; Cathrine; Christian; Nancy; Mary; Lovdy (?) FERGUSON: Norman; Cathrine; John; Sarah; Nancy RAY: Nevin (?); Effy; Margaret; Kenneth (?) JOHNSON: William; Sarah J. McLEAN: Isabella; OATS: William; Martha; WADSWORTH: Jean; ARNOLD: Henry; HAGERTY: John; Mary; VICK (?): Samuel; Mary; PRIEST: Neill; MUNK (?): James; Cathrine; Sarah; Alexander; SHEPHARD: Eliza; SHIELDS: Moriah; ROWAN: Eliza ___________ Index, Union Church Records Member Register List of Communicants Quarterly Assessments Sesquicentennial Service, 1967 Some Recorded Births and Deaths Document-Transfer of Parsonage Land to Rev. C. W. Grafton Other pages about Union Church: "History of the Scotch Settlement" Survey of Union Church Cemetery Photos HOME |