Union Church Presbyterian Church Records

Record of Trustees Giving Title of Parsonage to Rev. C. W. Grafton
Union Church
February 10th, 1879

The trustees met by order of the President at the above named time and place.  Members present:  Lewis Cato, Robert D. Torrey, D. H. Cameron and S. D. MCallum.  On account of H. Clark being absent, the reading of the minutes of the former meeting was dispensed with.

In lieu of the indebtedness of this church to the Rev. C. W. Grafton for money advanced by him in building the Church Parsonage amounting to $440:

Ordered by this Board that the President be and is hereby authorized to make a bonafide title to the said Grafton of all the lands known as the Parsonage lands, with all the appertinances thereto belonging (except so much of said land as lies East of the road leading from the SW corner of the Graveyard at Union Church to the place formerly owned by John N. Ray).  For the sum of $440, the total amount due said Grafton from said church for said building.

The conditions of said sale are as follows:  should the trustees pay to C. W. Grafton $440, the amount of purchase money, then the said Grafton obligates himself to make title to said land and all appertinances thereto belonging back to the trustees of said church.

Board adjourned.

D. G. Buie, Clerk
Index, Records of Union Church

Register of Members

"Early Years of Union Church"

Union Church Communicants

Sesquicentennial Service, 1967

Quarterly Assessments

Some Recorded Births and Deaths

Other pages about Union Church:

History of the Scotch Settlement"
Survey of Union Church Cemetery
