HI!!! Glad you could make it!!

Welcome to my web page.. I'm going to keep adding as I go, but..please come back and visit soon.. I am trying to hurry... If you want to get started, I have a type of home page that tells a little about me and my family..with a picture - You can see it at My Homepage
Don't forget to sign my guestbook! And now, I'm starting to work on Casey, Samantha and Christina's Photo Album - If you want to see some updates on how my Three kids are growing up - come check out these cute pictures!

I'm also working on My RotweilersPage.You can check out all that I have, I accidently Lost Katie's page, but will work on that sometime soon, and I haven't started on Yngwie's page yet, But Roxie's is up

I have an Digital Signature's page that I just put up. Most of the names I have made, but a few of them I have not. I will be adding more of what I do Soon.
I also have a small group of Calling Cards all made by Your's Truely *G*
Just click on the link and enjoy *G* I just made some more! Now you can see my OTHER calling cards- I didn't make these, but they sure are worth the look -
I also have a Holiday Pageyou can come take a look at around the end of each holiday! Right now, Showing Mother's Day and Father's Day signatures.
Ready for more?? I just added my newest addiction - Cartoon Dollz! It's only a begining, so check back often. I LOVE these things!

I also have a Sign Language page I just made for my son! Come on and check it out. Maybe you can learn a thing or two with him.

And just so you know, I have a few more pages coming up. But I need to take a little break from my work right now.
I just got my PSP7 program for Christmas, and I'm trying to think of more stuff to add, so come back and visit soon!

You can see all of my links on my Home page - then a small extra page added on to my friends from Delphi who have inspired me.
If I missed a link, please e-mail me and let me know - Thanks