Fishing is a great fun
for the whole family as you will
see we all enjoy time spent fishing
And yes the girls Amber@ Brittany Have got there lines wet.Pictures soon to come.
American Rivers
Farminton River
New England Sportsman
Narragansett Mariner
More Fly fishing links
Remeber to practise
catch and release
allways take back back what you bring
This one was great eating!
That day we had caught many
but only kept one
Ice fishing anyone
Stan Walker
Mike French
And I
We had a great time that day but there wasn't many fish caught you've got to have them days to!
Tina's prize of the day
Top Shelley
Bottom left Dammon
Bottom right Adam
Altantic Salmon
Caught on a fly and took some 25 mins or so to land on the before xmas.