Welcome to Project Arena


Letter from the web masters

Welcome to our PROJECT'S page, all the following files are compiled in C++ and are tested for bugs by us, Unfortunately some small bugs may be present. However there are only minor changes that need to be done to the existing code to correct these errors.

All the downloads available here are free of charge incase you require the source code for any of the programs, please send us an email with your details as well as which programs code is required.

Hope you have a nice day

(Our Email rohanroshan@hotmail.com )

Thanks and regards

Yours faithfully

Rohan & Roshan




Click on the name's to download the required files

The files displayed are of MAXIMUM 85KB


All the following downloads are absolutely free and protected form viruses

Tic Tac Toe


A game for 1 or 2 Players (Requires Mouse).





Interactive chess game (Requires Mouse).




Scientific Calculator


This calculator has the efficiency to compute the value for any scientific operation.




Graphing Calculator


Just write any equations and it would plot the graph.(Lines, Parabola etc).




Text Editor


This can open, print, create, modify any document or text file.




3-D Bar Chart


You can compare any data using relevant 3-D graphs.






Prepares the Calendar for any given year and month.




Files Explorer


This Program allows you to surf through all the files in various of your directories, selected files can be opened, deleted, renamed, copied, sent to another directory as required by the user.

(Some functions are not activated because it could lead you to loose your files or may lead to some trouble, If you need all functions to be active feel free and mail us at Rohanroshan@hotmail.com )




Please note that these files would need a file for proper functioning which is not added to each

In the absence of this file the computer would produce an error message like : BGI file missing cannot Initialize Graphics


 Click here to download the file, Don't forget to read Instructions BELOW



UNZIP the file to the directory that contains all other files downloaded form this page.

(Recommended if you have downloaded only a single program from here)


Place it into the directory: c:\tc\bgi so that any file downloaded from here can easily work with the required file's

(Recommended if you want to download more than one program from here)





Good news [April 14,2000]

Attention: Those who don't have windows

Now you can run all the Programs listed on our page as well as any other program through Dos, which require Mouse for Successful operation, because we have just made the software which could initialize any mouse in Dos Mode

This is ideal for those who use windows also

Click here to download the Mouse activation software





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