Uncle Vinny's
Twisted Picks
Disclaimer:  These picks are for entertainment purposes only.  If sports wagering is legal where you are, please do your own due diligence before betting as I will not be responsible for any debts incurred or injuries received for failure to meet said obligations.
visitors have made Twisted Picks their source for pro analysis.  Kind of funny, isn't it?
All pages Copyright 2000-08  -  Twisted Picks
Offbeat, yet on-target analysis of the NFL and other events ...
What's New: 

Let's say what isn't new... Uncle Vinny is retiring from the public eye.  Other opportunities require too much time to update this site timely and provide the shameful content that you've come to expect.

Just like the XFL, I'll bow out before it gets any more embarrassing.

Links page will remain up for anyone looking for information on sports wagering and how and why to avoid anyone claiming a lock on this week's games.
Last updated:
Saturday, December 6, 2003
We're taking our money and going home;
you should consider the same.
Come on, now, you really weren't expecting to get inside information or winning picks from some bonehead that can slap together a Geocities website and call himself an expert, were you?

Do yourself a favor and use the money to take your wife or girlfriend out to dinner or something.  The payoff will be much greater than sitting around gnashing your teeth watching a dumbass QB throwing the ball to the opposing CB and your money to the local bookie (+10% juice just to make it that much more enjoyable).
Uncle Vinny Retires....
No more picks... go away.