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Welcome to my site, for you to find out a bit about me,  read my ramblings, rants and random stuff . Enjoy!
Me: In A Nutshell
Name: Milly
Age: 15
Location: Norfolk, UK
For more go to the 'About Me' section
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In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me
-Evanescence, Imaginary
Today I'm feeling
Today I'm feeling...
     Show your colours at!
03/12/03 Front page changed-pretty new colours!
13/11/03    About Me page rewritten, more pages added to My Graphics Page, broken links fixed, other minor updates.
If you like Buffy, click the banner to go to my Buffy site, The Magic Box!
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