From Bringers of the Dawn

Ruth Ryden shares with us:

'Bringers Of The Dawn'
By Barbara Marciniak

"The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison. They do not even realize that there is something outside of where they exist. We represent what is outside of what you have been taught exists. It is where you sometimes venture and where we want you to dwell; it is outside of where society has told you you can live."

"Because everyone is so frightened of giving up the system in the United States, they are going to be forced to give it up. The system is corrupt, it does not work, it does not honor life, and it does not honor Earth. That is the bottom line. If something does not honor life and does not honor Earth, you can bet it is going to fall, and it is going to fall big-time."

"Consciousness must change. This is part of the Divine Plan, and this opportunity and setup is not going to be missed. There has been an over involvement in the material world and a complete lack of understanding of the nonphysical world that exists all around you, so there will be a reprioritizing of what comes first in life. People will stand up, once they have lost everything, who had never thought of standing up when they owned everything. People will awaken to the incredible potential of themselves."

"Violence on the streets of major cities is another subtle means of control. The big cities in the United States- Los Angeles, New York City, Washington, D.C., and so on- are energy buckets, or holes. where energy comes into the North American continent- or has up until now. There has been an increase in violence in these cities because it is known that if unrest can be kept brewing and reported, it can be a likely vehicle for manipulating the entire nation. These things are purposely set into motion on the physical level and assisted on the etheric level because the more fear that is generated the more those in charge can feed on it."

"The ability to use the human will over the human mind is your ultimate resource. This ability to master the body according to your will is exactly what the people in charge of the planet do not want you to figure out. As more of you become sovereign and in charge of your own frequency, those who do not want the new frequency here will bring an opposite frequency to create chaos, confusion, and polarity. Always, whenever a society is on the verge of a huge leap or change, there are diametrically opposed activities."

"As members of the Family of Light, you have incarnated on this planet to prepare yourselves to do your work. What is your work? Your work is quite simple:  you carry frequency into systems that have limited light frequency, because light is information. This in not cold, computer-data information; it is information that is transmitted biologically through an electromagnetic send-out of consciousness. This is what you are experts in. If you were to have a business card printed up for yourselves when you are in full memory of your identity, it would say something like:  "Renegade Member of Family of Light. Systems Buster. Available for altering systems of consciousness within the free-will universe. On call."

"You go for it! This is what you do. This is an aspect of your identity that you all have in common, and you are here in the millions at this time. You are here primarily to remember who you are, to operate multidimensionally within the system, and to teach humans - the natives in this place that have been under frequency control for a long time - a new system. You are disguised as humans. As soon as you begin to realize this, you will extricate yourself from the human drama and the human dilemma of frequency control."

"We spend hours teaching people about not being afraid to manifest. Each of you is frightened because you grew up with an ethic that says, "Only if you work for something is it of any value. If you don't put in hard work, you cannot get things." It is imperative for all of you to look at this idea of hard work and where it came from. Look at your parents and the belief systems they have had. We are talking about birthing a consciousness that represents the new human species that learns how to do things effortlessly."

"If something is not being done effortlessly, then forget it. If it looks like it is too much work, something is telling you it is not the way. Only when something comes together effortlessly and simply fits, with no one doing too much to it, is it right. If you all begin to live like this, you will completely change how the species of consciousness approaches life. It is not irresponsible or a cop-out- it is a new way of carrying bricks from one place to another."

Pleiadian Times
by Barbara Marciniak
"...been on the griddle too long..."

Those of you who are seekers will discover that you make great leaps in your spiritual quest by exploring the balance and harmony of working together. Groups joined in similar purpose and consciously directing energy can do more than all of your communications, marches, lobbying and petitions can achieve. The old way is no longer effective. This leap in understanding how you operate challenges the very core of your being. The dichotomy between what the world is told is real and what many of you are feeling inside is growing. You are feeling the separation and may be wondering what to do about it. The perceptual shift, ungraspable to your current view of reality, is creating an unknown revolution in the world today. By unknown we mean that it has no name, no head chief, no dues, no cards to carry and certainly no continual meetings to decide its structure. Therefore, this revolution cannot be opposed.

The inner spirit, part of your innate being, is popping forward now. As seekers on the quest, stoking intense inner fires, your private journeys have been immense and intense. Some of you feel as if you have been on the griddle far too long, flipped over a time too many, and fried to a crisp. There is always a good reason for the things you experience, because they are of your own creation. Assess what you have created in this very moment. If there is a need to make a change, then in this moment set that idea into motion. If you are content and pleased with what you have created then acknowledge yourself for being able to thrive in a reality that has many limiting root assumptions. Whenever you find comfort and can create harmony with people in the environment around you, it is here you can beneficially open to a presence of yourself that is more then you. The multidimensional aspect of existence is the very core truth that you as humans beings are striving to reconnect with.

Everything exists as a frequency. In the simplest terms everything has a signature, a vibration. A vibration involves movement, imperceptible perhaps and undetected by your influenced vision. However, these movements or frequencies are certainly detected by other aspects of your body. You have learned to over-focus on vision and sound, and in many ways you have been duped. The deceit around which your lives have been built is being exposed, a deceit that runs so deep, it is beyond the comprehension of most of Earth's population. The intensity of the spiritual quest activates the emotional body and creates internal chaos because the world no longer makes sense. This push is going to activate you, the people of the world, to go where you do not want to go, and discover that the crevice of deception has been agreed upon by everyone. When you discover deceit, you open yourself up to the opportunity to change. How you handle the deceit, personally, as a deceivee, perhaps, and how you perceive the deceiver, and the way in which you intergrate this lesson for mass creation is crucial.

Peaceful Inner Space


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