Like so many of you, I've watched the events in Yugoslavia unfolding, as satellite pictures show us the tragedy of war in real time. The fact that I had prior knowledge of this event - and reported my visions years ago - still did not prepare me emotionally for the reality. We watch as hundreds of thousands of refugees are displaced; women, children and the elderly, all on the move, are being driven from their homes and loved ones. "Genocide" and "ethnic cleansing" are the words the media uses to describe what this war is about. I call it evil's last battle, at least in the physical, before the prophesied millennium of peace begins.
In my early days as a visionary, I felt there was no such thing as evil, only people who had not yet awakened. Two decades and thousands of visions later, I have changed my viewpoint of good and evil. I now understand that everything has a polarity, and this awareness has aided in my newfound belief. If all that exists is based in the delicate balance of opposing forces, why not good and evil? But just what is evil, and how does it get its power to exist?
Evil may be defined as the absence of goodness. Like a pendulum, our mass consciousness swings back and forth between goodness and its opposite energy, which we call evil. The war in Yugoslavia represents the pendulum's movement towards the side of evil.
If we believe the media, politicians and military specialists, the singular cause of the war in Yugoslavia is Milosevic. The same statements were made about another "evil empire" leader only a few years ago, in Iraq. A little over a half century ago, during World War II, Hitler and the other axis-power leaders were waging their own wars of evil - in the same region as Yugoslavia. But we must ask ourselves, "How can one person generate such hatred and evil?" The answer is, they don't. For evil to survive, it must be fed energy... enter KARMA!
We often think of karma as relating to people - cause and effect. For example, if I do something negative to someone now, in the future I will have to pay for what I have done. A good deed will be rewarded in the future. But people are not the only receptors of karmic energy. In my twenty-plus years of visiting sacred sites and non-sacred sites around the world, I have observed - clairvoyantly - something about each of the lands I visit. Every place has an energy to it - a vibration I can see as color, along with a sound, a tone, that I can hear clairaudiently. Often the color is a blend of two primary colors into one. Some lands, such as the United States, have a dominant color that encompasses the entire country, but each area - a state or town - embodies a unique tone of the primary color. The U.S. has a blue-fucshia color vibration. These colors chane in cycles during the year, though I am not sure why. When the riots were occurring in Los Angeles a few years back, I watched the tonal color of the entire country fade somewhat, and L.A. turned to a fuchsia-grey. Eventually, some of the colors from adjacent cities and states flowed into L.A. for awhile. I assumed this was a healing - which is still going on! What I've learned from this is that there is not only personal karma, but the karmic vibration of our lands. How we treat our towns and cities does indeed affect us.
The negative karma of Yugoslavia is high. For centuries, perhaps millennia, conflicts have been going on in this region. There have been holy wars, wars over terretorial rights and wars of expansionism. The soil itself had been permeated with the blood of victims, as well as the negativity of violent thoughts and deeds. The karma of this land can draw to it the reincarnation of people who have had past lives in this region. This is why we often see the same replay of conflicts in the same regions year after year, century after century. Not all people who reincarnate into a region bring the energy of past conflict with them. Many go in desiring to balance the land. Others go simply to be with the families they were with in past lives. Each day, there are those whose good deeds help balance the karma of Yugoslavia, but its negative force is at such a high level that it may eventually take a different form of healing - a cleansing - to balance the karma of the land. Nature has a way of doint this, even if we do not. Nature only understands balance. The elements water and fire are catalysts for such a purification. Sink the area under the sea for a millennia, and a purification occurs. Burn the area with fire or turn it into a desert, and we have purification. Atlantis was one such case of karma of the land reacting to the karma of its people. Many deserts on our Earth are now being purified as a result of karma.
Everyone wants to know at this point, "Is Yugoslavia the beginning of World War III?" My previously published predictions state that there will be a final world war and that it will begin in earnest in Turkey, spread to Yugoslavia and Italy and eventually all of Europe and the Middle East. Early this year we saw what happened in Turkey. Now Yugoslavia. If Italy is attacked in the very near future, then I would say it has indeed begun. In my Future Map of the World, I show northern Europe, Yugoslavia and most of World War II's battlegrounds going underwater within the next decade... perhaps sooner. The bombing in Yugoslavia, while one way to strike down evil, nevertheless upsets the energy grid where those bombs hit, and continue to add to the disruptive karmic vibration.
This war will not last forever. The wondow for evil to reign is almost over on planet Earth. The energy dynamics that support negative forces will fade shortly, as new magnetic forces take hold during the magnetic pole shift, which I believe is now underway. We are living in the last days of an energy system that has supported two polarities - the forces of good and evil. The new energy grid will not, and Oneness will become our reality.
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