May/June, 1999
Gordon-Michael Scallion's
Earth Changes Report

ECR News

The Making of War

"[War] ...will spread throughout Europe. Turkey will be a pivotal country, along with Yugoslavia and Italy."
--- GMS on The Roseanne Show

In 1995, we reached a point of no return in the unfolding conflicts which will eventually lead to "the Great Battle." In the next few years the Middle East and much of Europe will be engulfed in was. While no missiles will enter the U.S., the combined effects of terrorism within the borders, as well as wars, will be profound. Earth changes themselves will end the war.
--- ECR 1-2/98

"War spreads in Europe --- the Holy War begins in Mieele East --- watch Turkey"
--- ECR 1/95

"Watch Turkey as an early warning sign for the beginning of World War III."
--- ECR 1/94

Since the early '90s, GMS has seen major conflicts breaking out in Europe and the Middle East towards the end of this decade. In his Jan. 14 appearance on The Roseanne Show, he stated that during this year we would see the beginning of World War III. He stated that Yugoslavia, Italy and Turkey would be pivotal countries in the conflict, and that it would spread throughout Europe. He went on to say:  "It will be a battle of religions. More than a holy war, but it is idealistic differences that come to clash." He said that while it will be blamed on many things, including territorial rights, "It's really about domination and there will be an attempt, again, for global domination. The Middle East will be involved in it, but not in this country. And it will really start to move in the year 2000, 2001. It will be a short-lived event,however."


It was only a few weeks later, on Feb. 18, that political unrest broke out in Turkey, when the leader of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), Abdullah Ocalan, was captured by Turkish commandos in Kenya. For the past 15 years, Ocalan has led the PKK insurrection to provide self-rule for the more than 15 million Kurds who, for hundreds of years, have lived mainly in the mountains where Turkey, Iraq, and Iran meet in an area known as Kurdistan. Turkey's policy towards the Kurds has consistently been one of mistreatment and repression, including forbidding them to use their own language. Following Ocalan's arrest, political protests broke out in Turkey where according to a Feb. 19, BBC World Service report, more than 1,000 Kurdish activists were arrested. The next day, Turkish newspapers reported that 10,000 troops were involved in military action directed against PKK strongholds in northern Iraq. Political unrest quickly spread to other countries, where sometimes violent demonstrations occurred against the embassies of Turkey, Greece, Israel and the United States. As Ocalan awaits trial on a prison island in the Marmara Sea, political unrest continues in Turkey where violence has spread from the Kurdish-dominated southeast to its major cities. At least 1,500 people were arrested throughout Turkey on March 25, the Kurdish New Year.


On the same day, NATO forces unleashed a bombing campaign targeting Yugoslav military positions and designed to weaken Serb forces in Yugoslavia. Serb forces have been blamed for the systematic killing of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo, a province of Yugoslavia. Ethnic Albanians make up 90% of the population of Kosovo. NATO was force to act after months of diplomatic talks failed to end a year of fighting between ethnic Albanian separatists and Serb forces. While the talks were going on, more than 400,000 people have been left homeless and over 2,000 people have been killed. In President Clinton's speech to the American people informing them of the bombing, he spoke of ending the slaughter of ethnic Albanian civilians in Kosovo by Serb forces. He also said that if the Kosovo conflict continues, it could easily spill over into Macedonia, Montenegro, Greece, and Turkey. "All the ingredients for a major war are there," Clinton said. Just after the first attack, Yugoslavia declared a state of war.

Since then, more than 200,000 ethnic Albanians have been forced out of their homes in Kosovo with barely the clothes on their backs. Many have had to walk for days in the cold, over treacherous mountainous terrain, with little or no food. The flood of refugees fleeing the Serbs are causing a severe strain on the resources of the neighboring countries who are harboring them. NATO spokesman, Jamie Shea, said in the Mar. 28 NATO briefing that the situation in Kosovo is "a major humanitarian catastrophe the likes of which we have not seen since WWII." As of the time we are going to press, Russia, after getting Turkey's permission to go through the Bosphorus Strait, is sending a warship to the Mediterranean.
In the March 25 issue, USA Today reported on some of the history of the region. Both the Serbs and the ethnic Albanians claim Kosovo as their ancestral land. In 1389, Kosovo was the site of a fierce battle between the Ottoman Turks and the Christian Serbs. Serbs believe that the ethnic Albanians are the descendants of the Ottomans.

GMS Receives New Milios

A crown of five upon his head
Children and stars must be fed
Between light and dark
Lies another world
Invisible to sight
Answers shall come
When new vision emerges
To set the clock
Into perfect time

--- GMS 1/20/99

During this time of great
crisis, our prayers and
compassion are with those
people who are suffering as a
result of armed conflict. We
ask that you join with us in
asking for spiritual
intervention to resolve the
conflicts, and to replace war
with peace in those lands
under siege.

--- Cynthia Keyes
--- Gordon-Michael Scallion

Solar Storm Early Warning Discovery

"An understanding of how sun spots are really created will be discovered... space probes will indicate that new and unknown forces exist on the sun."      ---ECR 1/96

With solar storms on the increase, the risks to global communications, electric power grids, and magnetic devices are at an all-time high. Up until now, there has been no way to predict exactly when one of these potentially dangerous solar storms might hit Earth, wreaking havoc on satellites and electrical power sources alike. However, a new study published in the March 9 issue of Geophysical Research Letters indicates that scientists may have discovered the key to predicting these solar eruptions. The new findings describe how some solar magnetic field lines, instead of passing each other, connect and twist into an S-shape. It is these S-shaped magnetic fields that are more likely to explode into a coronal mass ejection (CME) - a solar storm. Doint a statistical sampling, researchers were able to determine which ones were going to explode. The discovery was made after studying two years of data from the Soft X-ray Telescope on Japan's Yohkoh Satellite. With this finding, scientists using the Solar Vector Magnetograph at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center will have advance notice on areas to watch for activity. With this information, accurate warnings of solar eruptions may be available, increasing our chances of minimizing power outages and communication disruptions.

To keep updated on current solar flare activity and information, as well as the latest ECR News, visit out free Web site at:

Millennium Solar Flares + Y2K = Disaster

"Most satellites - because of severe solar flares - will become non-functional. I believe this activity will occur between Dec. 1997 and 2001." - ECR 11/97

Solar flares occurring at the turn of the millennium are potentially more dangerous than the Y2K computer problem, according to senior British Y2K planner, Michael Lewis. According to a Mar. 18 Reuters' report, Lewis, the deputy chief executive of Britain's Association of Payments and Clearing Systems said, "Solar flare could do damage far beyond anything the Year 2000 [bug] could do, and it could hit us on that weekend."
The frequency for solar storms is expected to be at its highest point in late 1999 and early 2000, the peak of the 11-year solar flare cycle. The last peak in the cycle was in March 1989, when the Hydro-Quebec power grid in Canada was shut down by the surge of atmospheric magnetic energy spawned by a huge solar storm. Six million people were left without power for days. Lewis, who is helping coordinate the British banking system's Y2K response, says that the danger of solar flare activity happening at the same time as the Y2K computer problem is serious and should not be ignored. An example of how solar flare activity could effect communications came last May, when the Galaxy 4 satellite was knocked out.
While there is some debate as to whether or not solar flare activity actually caused the satellite to fail, it does show how dependent we have become on satellites. The article went on to say that the disruption lasted three days, in which time "forty million pagers stopped working, television and data broadcasts were disrupted, and many credit card transactions were blocked."
Because we now have so many more satellites than we did in 1989, the next solar flare peak is expected to have a far greater impact on communications than it did 10 years ago. Not only are there more satellites in place now, but they are more widely used for mobile phone communications, the Global Positioning System, and for the Internet.
In his article, "The End of Technology As We Know It" (ECR 11/97), GMS spoke of his visions concerning a widespread breakdown of electronic equipment. At that time, he saw computers, cell phones and other magnetic devices failing worldwide, because of massive solar flares hitting the planet. In his article, "Y2K - A Disaster Waiting to Happen, or Is There Something Bigger Coming?" (ECR 1-2/99) he elaborated further on his visions:
These flares shut down satellites first, then hit the manmade power grid - shutting down power plants first and eventually homes, businesses, schools and government offices. I never received a date for this event, but I had a strong sense that it would occur in 1999-2001, with the highest probability for occurrence coming in 1999.

Miami Circle Saved

In the last issue of ECR, we reported on the finding of an ancient pre-Colombian stone circle at a construction site in the city of Miami. At the time, it seemed likely that the stone circle would be sacrificed in favor of the 600-unit luxury tower that was to be built on the site in question.

In answer to a question about the Miami Circle on The Art Bell Show on Feb. 17, a few days after we went to press, GMS said, "...I saw an area that was entirely fenced. What that tells me is that something is going to happen very soon, probably within a week or less, that's going to make that a protected site."
On the day following the broadcast of The Art Bell Show, county commissioners voted 10 to 1 to authorize seizure of the Miami Circle site and halt the proposed high-rise development. Later in the day, according to a Feb. 18 article in the Miami Herald, Dade Circuit Judge Richard Y. Feder signed a temporary injunction that prohibits construction on the site and protects the Circle. The developer had hoped to excavate and move the circle to another site.
Archaeologists now believe that the site itself is at least 2,000 years old, based on radio-carbon dating of some charcoal pieces found at the site. More tests will have to be done to determine if the circle is the same age.

Crisis in Time