Gordon-Michael Scallion's

Intuitive Flash
(formerly Earth Changes Report) (ECR)

July/August 2000


Visionaries in the 1950's predicted that by the turn of the century the average American family would have a lot more time on their hands. They saw this happening because of the newly emerging technology of robotics and computers in its beginning stages at that time. These time savers would help to create a shorter work week, better health, closer family ties, and an explosion in the recreation industry. Well, it didn't exactly happen that way. Robotics came into their own as predicted, as did computers, but instead of a shorter work week, most people today seem to have more to do. Recreation has increased, but I question if it really is recreation. And better health? Nowadays, stress from overwork has become a major factor in the cause of ill health.

If it seems that you do not have enough time to do all the things you want to, and that everything appears to be moving faster and faster here at the beginning of the 21st century, stand by, you may be right. In this issue we look at the structure of time and explore the question, "Is Time Speeding Up?"

-Gordon-Michael Scallion


THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF TIME - LINEAR AND NON-LINEAR. Linear time is how we usually think of time - a second hand on a clock ticking away the moments. So important is our awareness of each passing moment, that we have built complex atomic clocks to accurately measure time down to a millionth of a second. Most simple quartz watches today keep accurate time to within a few seconds a month. Occasionally, we calibrate our watches and clocks to a master clock, like the one we hear announced on our television or radio network, which of course is calibrated by the atomic master clocks. Our society is so obsessed with time that clocks ticking away the seconds appear in our homes and offices almost everywhere we look. They are embedded into our appliances, radios, televisions, computers, and even on our bodies in the form of wrist watches. And with our preoccupation with time, many have begun to sense that time seems to be speeding up. Maybe they are right. But what would cause to many of us to sense a potential shift in time?
Having a lot to do can cause us to feel that time is moving too fast. But what I am hearing from readers around the world is that they are frequently finding themselves lost in time. That is, they suddenly become aware that they have lost contact with their current reality and have journeyed to a place where the established rules of linear time do not seem to apply.


I believe they are journeying into realms where time, as we know it, does not exist because our Earth-based time references do not apply. In these places time is gauged differently, in a non-linear fashion. For example, when you find that you are daydreaming, lost in an experience that seems to go on for minutes and then realize that you journey may have only been a few seconds. How is it possible that so much information can be experienced in a small amount of linear time?
To illustrate how this is possible imagine that as each second of linear time ticks away, another clock is running with a different timing mechanism that can only be referenced by someone observing that clock. In order to become aware of this other clock we must speed up our perceptions and become an observer in that time realm. That is why so many intuitives have difficulty in placing dates and times on events they intuit. When they travel to non-linear realms; say future probabilities; they are subject to that realm's laws and vibrations. When they return to Earth time, they do not have a reference of their previous journey's time frame. An experienced intuitive will attempt to remember road signs on such journeys, like the make and model of a car, newspaper headlines, surroundings, anything that will give clues to time frames of probable future events.
Now, it is normal for all of us to enter into non-linear time realms daily. In fact, tests have been conducted indicating that most of us enter into non-linear states - also known as alpha states of consciousness - several times a minute! Usually this is only for a second or two but it can be extended depending on our emotional state, or by willing it so through training. What is new now is that the number and length of these journeys into non-linear consciousness is increasing! The reason is that the new Matrix Planetary Energy Grid is becoming more active. This is why many of us are feeling that time is speeding up. However, time has not really changed, at least not linear time. It is just that we are now capable of processing more information in shorter periods of linear time, by tapping into non-linear time realms. It is a lot like going to bed with a problem on our minds, only to wake in the morning with the answer. Our subconscious mind solved the problem while we slept in non-linear dream time.
Our reality of time is changing, as we, like our planet, continue to evolve. We are becoming a new race of people - what I termed Children of the Blue Ray in my book Notes from the Cosmos. I realize these concepts are complex, bordering on science fiction. To help you understand this better, I have included a special experiment in this month's Matrix Study Group Exercise. You can do this experiment in your home at any time using only a simple wall clock.

Earth Changes

As I write this column, June 8, 2000, the May planetary alignment has come and gone and our planet is still intact as I stated it would be. We are however, beginning to see some intense quakes and solar flare activity as I predicted for this time period. (See ECR 1/2/00, IF 5/6/00) SpaceWeather.com reported two solar storms on June 6 & 7, both of which hit Earth and produced auroras. On June 4, a powerful 7.9 earthquake hit Indonesia followed by hundreds of aftershocks and another strong quake three days later. Based on current activity I believe the resumption of Earth changes is now underway and that quakes in the U.S. will resume within the second half of 2000. For this summer I see more spectacular solar storms and auroras, and increased volcanic activity with the Ring of Fire becoming highly active. Also, as I said in the Mar./Apr. issue, I expect this hurricane season to be intense, surpassing records in both the number of storms and the wind velocity.

The Economy

Watching CNBC or other financial networks is a lot like watching the slot machines at a Las Vegas casino. Every so often a machine's bell rings and dollars pour out.
Earlier this year, I stated that markets would fluctuate wildly this year. This has certainly been the case so far. For the second half of 2000, I see more of the same, followed by a major delcine this fall.


It seems that a few days before and a few days after the full moon, I tap into a time stream of future technology. This has been going on for almost twenty years now, but recently something new has been added to my visions. Usually the images go by so fast that I only get glimpses. In the past I had to wait and hope that the vision would repeat itself. Sometimes this might take years. Since May 2000, I have been able to slow down the speed of these images. This has been a godsend for me. I thought Intuitive FlashThis particular vision began while working on my word processor (a common trigger for me). I found myself watching my monitor screen going dark and the next thing I recall is that I am out-of-body observing the installation of windows in a new circular home. The frame of the window was large, similar to a picture window. The molding was a brushed aluminum-looking material, seamless in construction. I could see no wood whatsoever, not even in the home. Everything looked like plastic or this aluminum-like material. After a few adjustments by the workers the window was in place, secured by a series of latches.
On the next screen I observed, there were people who I assumed to be the owners of the home, being instructed by the workers on how to operate the new window. A control unit similar to a television remote control device was pointed in the direction of the window and a mirror-like screen filled the wondow frame. Another button was depressed and ripples or waves similar to heat rising off the pavement in the hot summer, moved from the left and right sides of the frame, meeting in the middle. No longer was the view to the outside blocked. The waves ceased and a crystal clear glass-like material was now in place. The worker then moved toward the window, placed his hand on the screen and pushed it several inches toward the outside as if he was pushing on a balloon. Upon withdrawing his hand, the screen returned to its firm position. Another button was pressed and sounds from the outside filled the room. Adjustments to the device allowed the sound to increase, decrease, or cease entirely.
Many of you may recall one of my previous visions on homes of the future. They were dome-like, and able to heat and cool as a result of the material that formed the dome. These windows seem to be another element of these homes. With my newfound ability to better observe such visions, I hope to include more on thes new fascinating technology. I sense we will see such devices this decade.
