7. The Planetary Energy Matrix can provide great benefit to those seeking higher levels of spiritual development. To know which cell can better fulfill your life's purpose requires an inner trust. I have often stated that when one moves from one location to another, there are many elements at play. While it may appear that a new job or a failed relationship is the reason for such a move, it is more likely that karma is behind the decision.
New ProgramsNEW RELEASE!
After many years in development, Matrix Institute will be releasing a sequel series to Children of the Blue Ray. The new audio cassette program is called Children of the Rainbow. Written and narrated by Gordon-Michael Scallion and Cynthia Keys, listeners will discover why it is so important to know your color ray; how to meet others within your spiritual matrix; how to work with and guide your children; and how to discover your true life's purpose. The 2-tape set will be released in September. The material presented will work in conjunction with the recently released Matrix Planetary Energy Map.
IntuitiveFlash NEWS
Third Fatima Prediction Revealed
On May 13, 1917, three Portuguese shepherd children witnessed several visions of a woman said to be the Virgin Mary, also known as the Madonna, mother of Christ. During the visions, which took place in Fatima, Portugal, the Madonna spoke to the children and revealed three secrets to them. Two of the children died shortly after the visions and the other child, Lucia eventually became a nun. In 1943, Sister Lucia told her superiors about two of the Madonna's messages.
The first vision, according to a CNN report, depicted a vision of hell.
In the second vision, Mary predicted the outbreak of World War II, some 22 years before it began. At that time the Madonna asked for devotion to her Immaculate Heart, and that Russia, which was about to undergo the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, be consecrated to her.
Sister Lucia wrote down the third message and put it in a sealed envelope. She gave it to her local bishop, and in the late 1950's it was sent to the Vatican. When Pope John XXIII read the secret, he was said to be shocked and told aides he did not want to hear about it again. Both Pope Paul VI, who reigned from 1963 to 1978 and the current Pontiff decided against publishing it. Since that time, speculation about that third secret prophecy has spawned fears ranging anywhere from the end of the Roman Catholic Church, to the end of the entire world.
On Saturday, May 13, on the occasion of the beatification of two of the child visionaries of Fatima, Pope John Paul II who was in Fatima to celebrate Mass and officiate at the beatification, instructed Cardinal Angelo Sodano to reveal the third prophecy.
Cardinal Sodano announced that the prophecy had foreseen the persecution of the church by communist regimes, and the 1981 assassination attempt on the Pope. He told the crowd of hundreds of thousands of faithful gathered to witness the beatification that other details would be released in the future. He stressed that, "the events to which the third part of the secret of Fatima prophecy refers now seems part of the past." In addition, Cardinal Sodano linked the message to Pope John Paul's belief that the Virgin Mary protected him from an assassin's bullet in Rome 19 years ago, also on May 13. In the vision, according to Sister Lucia, a "bishop clothed in white...falls to the ground, apparently dead under a burst of gunfire." The Pope barely survived the attack by Turkish assassin, Mehmet Ali Agca. He later donated the bullet taken from his body to the sanctuary at Fatima, where it was placed in the Madonna's gold crown.
Five days following the announcement of the third Fatima message, Pope John Paul II "marked his 80th birthday by celebrating Mass, eating lobster with senior clergy and singing songs with Polish compatriots," according to an article in Time.com. In Dec. 1998, GMS also received a prediction that concerned the Pontiff. "Smoke signals the changing of the guard. Simon is replaced..." (ECR 1/2/99) He interpreted this to mean that the Pope would pass away in the following year, 1999. The joyful birthday celebration of Pope John Paul II stands in stark contrast to the dire predictions concerning his demise.
Alternative Energy Opportunities for Investors
"I see alternative energy - fuel cells and solar technology - becoming a viable sector of the economy over the next few years."
- GMS, IF Mar/Apr 2000
Investment analyst, Robert Winters of Bear Stearns, believes that the power generation industry, including fuel cells, has potential to provide investors with rewarding investment opportunities in the future. In a Business Wire report released on April 26, Winters spoke about new technologies such as microturbines, flywheels and fuel cells that could revolutionize the way we power our homes, cars and industries. "With the potential for higher efficiency, lower operating costs, zero emissions and quieter operations, the use of fuel cells could revolutionize the power industry," stated Winters. He sees market opportunity not only in primary power systems, but in backup or standby power systems as well. "As our society becomes increasingly dependent on the Internet, as well as other communication formats such as wireless voice and data transfer, the need to create systems which are 'fail safe' becomes imperative." As the power generation industry becomes more established, Winters sees it generating as much as $200 billion dollars in annual sales.
Over the past several years, investors in the Internet and the telecommunications industry have made enormous gains. The Bear Stearns analyst believes that the market opportunities that existed for those industries over a decade ago are available now in the energy industry. He contends that these new energy technologies have the potential to provide rewarding opportunities for investors, especially for those who invest early on.