by Gordon-Michael Scallion
June, 2001

I first introduced my insights on pole shift back in 1982, and in 1991 I included them in my Future Map of America. Since that time, many of the warning signs I presented back then as a prelude to a pole shift have occurred on time, and some have not. It has been over three years since I updated readers on this subject. After my recent interview on Art Bell's Coast to Coast radio program, it became clear to me, because of listener's questions presented on the show, that it was time to do so both for our new readers, and for our long-time subscribers.

Some Background

Earth does not rotate in a straight up and down position, but rather it is tilted on its axis some 23 1/2 degrees off center. If you have been to a planetarium you may have noticed that Earth is always shown tilted relative to the Sun and the other planets in our solar system. Any change in this angle would mean instant changes in weather and temperature.
Further, Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field that flows from pole to pole. Each pole has an opposite polarity from the other, and is referred to as the North or South Pole. As a general rule, Earth experiences deviations in the magnetic field on a regular basis. Pilots and sea captains know about magnetic deviations only too well and must rely on frequently updated navigation charts to safely guide their planes or boats. These deviations may vary from a few degrees to ten, or so, and move back and forth in a somewhat predictable manner.
The cause of magnetic deviation is not really known; just as the cause of Earth's magnetic field is not known. I believe magnetic deviations are due to the fact that Earth does not rotate perfectly, but wobbles slightly on its axis.
There is a short period wobble lasting up to 6 years, known as the Chandler Wobble. And there is a 26 thousand-year long period wobble known as the precession of the equinoxes. The 26 thousand-year cycle is well known, and I have discussed it in depth in my book, Notes from the Cosmos. It is the precession of the equinoxes that gives us our twelve signs of the zodiac. Each sign lasts approximately 2,100 years. We are currently at the very beginning of the sign of Aquarius, just moving away from the sign of Pisces.
The point I want to make here, is that the angle of the axis is not as fixed as we might believe, and at times in our history the axis has exceeded even these well-known deviations, as I believe they will do in our lifetime.
During the past several years, the Chandler Wobble has been intensifying at an increasing rate, making the wobble more elliptical in nature. As I have said in the past (see GMS' Future Map of the World), I believe this is caused by a change in the rotation of Earth's core relative to the outer crust. These kinds of changes leave an enormous impact on the planet, such as an increase in the intensity of earthquakes and volcanism, the more violent and longer lasting El Ninos that we have experienced and other weather related phenomena. Further, I believe that the current extreme Chandler Wobble may be a precursor to a pole shift.

Geophysical Pole Shift

A geomagnetic or magnetic pole shift does not involve a shift in Earth's axis or a movement of landmass. Instead, only the direction of Earth's magnetic field changes - the direction in which your compass points. Magnetic pole shifts are the most studied and documented of pole shift theories. Scientifically we know that there have been thousands of such shifts. In some cases Earth's magnetic poles have shifted as much as 180 degrees, a complete reversal. When this happens, your magnet would point in the opposite direction from where it was originally pointed. The Sun, just a few months ago see IF 4/01) experienced a magnetic pole shift. In this case the Sun's north magnetic pole became south and south became north. Earth's geomagnetic pole shifts have not always been a complete reversal. They have moved anywhere from a few degrees to 180 degrees.
When a magnetic pole shift occurs, it can remain in the changed position for thousands of years or less than one year. How do we know this? Scientific teams from around the world have, for decades, been conducting test borings both on land and on the ocean floor. By drilling thousands of feet into the ground, core samples can be brought up and analyzed as to the magnetic qualities of the material. Small magnetics found in the soil tell scientists the relative position and strength of the magnetic field at any given depth. By carbon dating the samples they also know the relative age.

A Prophetic Vision

Recently, I had an out-of-body experience on the subject of pole shift that I shared on the Art Bell Coast to Coast radio show on April 17. Here is a summary of that vision:
"It was in the morning, and I was walking on a road that runs past my farm located in one of the hill towns in the Berkshires of Massachusetts. The road runs north to south, and I was walking toward the north. The Sun was to my right in the east. It was a hot day so I assume that it was during the summer. As I was walking, the Sun seemed to get brighter which drew my attention to it. I looked directly at it - something you should never do! As I did, the sun moved across the sky so quickly that in a matter of seconds it crossed toward the west, so that now it was on my left where it stopped. I then looked around and everything seemed normal. I moved forward in time an hour or so and observed the treetops moving back and forth as a fierce wind had come out of nowhere. Within minutes dust blocked my line of sight. Then, with the typical pop-like sound I hear when entering or leaving an out-of-body experience, I was returned to the present time.

What it All Means
