What It All Means

After the vision, I wondered how the Sun could move across the sky so fast. Yet, I know the Sun hadn't actually moved, Earth had moved, or at least the part I was standing on moved. It was an illusion, like being in an automatic car wash when the machine with the big brushes begins to move backwards to begin the wash cycle. When this occurs you get the sensation that the car is moving forward, and instinctively apply the brakes. That too is an illusion, like the Sun moving across the sky.
I have spent many hours analyzing the above experience. Here is my interpretation of it:
Sometime in the future, Earth will experience a shift of its axis which, based on the movement of the Sun, in my vision, will occur rapidly rather than over centuries of millennia. I believe the axis will be reoriented toward a new polar star. At the present time I do not know for sure which star, but during a higher state of consciousness session in the early '80s, it was mentioned that Arcturus would be a significant star after a pole shift. After the axis shift, the world will look as depicted in my Future Map of the World.
I usually get three visions on events that are significant, and to date I have only had one. I hope to get more during this summer's publishing break. As usual, if I receive anything before the next issue of Intuitive Flash (Sept.), I will post it immediately at our website. Previously, I have stated that we will experience a series of geomagnetic pole shifts which as I have said numerous times, I believe are currently under way.

Earth Becomes a Better Place

Before we go on, let me put your mind at ease. Most of you have heard me say this, time and again on national television and radio, as well as in this newsletter, but I believe it is important to state it once more. A pole shift will not eliminate the human race and put us back into the dark ages. However, there will be major changes to the planet. Seismic activity will become intensified, and weather patterns will change for all regions. My Future Map of the World shows what our planet will look like after a pole shift. Should fear rise within you, keep in mind that we live in a world of constant change. When, and if a pole shift occurs, the human race and our planet will survive as it has for millions of years. My visions have shown me that in the 21st century, Earth will become a better place than we could ever have imagined. I realize this is hard to perceive in light of what I am forecasting, but we - humankind - are a hardy lot and have the spiritual fiber to move ahead when adversity confronts us.

Looking for Signs

Your first question after reading this will probably be, "Will this really occur?" Followed by, "When?"
No one knows the date of such an event. Signs are now occurring everywhere that something is brewing. We only have to look at our weather to see that each year, record after record is broken. But still we do not know for sure what it will lead to. When a visionary time travels, the most challenging work is to determine a time frame. I have been off by several years on some events, early on some, and correct on others. I have trained myself to look for signs that will give me clues as to time frame. In the above vision, I noted the temperature, time of day, and location. If I had seen something else that would have indicated a date or year, I would have noted it, as I did with Hurricane Andrew. At that time, I actually saw a newspaper in my vision, and was able to accurately forecast the time, damage and path. The fact that I have had only one vision on this and that vision did not give me any indication of the exact date, leads me to believe that there is some leeway as to both timing and intensity of this event.

The Benefit of Knowing

I have lived with weekly visions of Earth changes since 1979. While this knowledge is uncomfortable to live with, to say the least, I have developed a philosophy that works for me. It may for you as well. I attempt to live each day to the fullest. I build shelters for our new llama additions, play with our grandchildren every chance I get, spend time with loved ones, and plan vacations when I can find the luxury of a few days off to do so. Earth changes are still in my consciousness during these times but I refuse to be held captive by what might happen, even if I am sure they will. If we harbor fear, we will surely manifest fearful outcomes.
Meanwhile, we have done everything we possibly could to become self-sufficient. It has improved our lives and given us an appreciation of life and Nature. And if some type of natural disaster occurs, we are prepared to take care of ourselves and hopefully, help others.
The benefit of knowing about Earth changes is that it can make us more aware of the importance of maintaining balance in life. For example, global warming is a fact, and we are helping to create it. It is happening because we have so interfered with Nature that it is now critically out of balance. We can expect to pay a price for misusing our natural resources at some time in the future. While global warming and other violations of Nature, may not be the primary causes for a pole shift, they will certainly increase the effects and perhaps move up the timing.
I tend to believe that our actions become part of a collective force that can either increase or lessen global events. We have the opportunity now to make the kinds of positive changes in our lives that deep down we really want. At the same time, we can use every opportunity to restore balance to this planet whenever we can, thereby adding a positive energy to Earth, Nature, and ourselves.

Gordon-Michael Scallion's website
Intuitive Flash

